Thursday, January 31, 2019

How To Maintain Weight Loss: 6 Best Tips

In this post I want to discuss how you can maintain weight loss. Whether you've lost 10 lbs or 200 lbs, there are important things you need to do to make sure those pounds don't start creeping back up on you. If you're not careful, it's easy to start gaining the weight back. You don't have to do everything that's mentioned here. Even choosing to do just 2 things is probably enough.

Weigh Regularly

The first thing I want to tell you to do is weigh yourself regularly. Some people get to their target weight and stop weighing. You could gain 10-15 lbs before you even realize you have, especially if you love leggings and yoga pants as much as I do. So weigh yourself 2-4 times a month during weight maintenance just to be sure you are staying on track.

Continue to Stay Active

The next thing you should do is continue to stay active throughout your weight maintenance time. This is not the time to stop exercising or get lazy. You don't have to push yourself hard, but even a light walk or yoga a few times a week is enough to help you stay active.

Yoga builds lean muscle as well which will boost your resting metabolism. This is very important for keeping the weight off. Choose an activity that you love and just continue doing it. You don't want to choose something that you hate, especially after all the hard work you put in to look so good now.

Intermittent Fasting

Consider intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is where you fast for a certain amount of hours per day (you choose how many) and then have an eating window where you eat all your meals of the day. Many people say they can't do this for whatever reason, but maintaining a 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule is surprisingly a lot easier than you think. Try it out for a week. Just fast (only have water) for 16 hours and then have your 8 hour eating window.

Intermittent fasting is an effortless way to lose weight and keep it off. I know this from personal experience and that's why I mention it and suggest it a lot. No, you don't have to do it, but I think life is better with intermittent fasting.

Boost Your Metabolism

There are certain herbs and teas that can boost your metabolism which would help with weight maintenance. Consider having green tea or oolong tea every day. You may find that you enjoy the taste, and these teas are proven to boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories.

Apple cider vinegar is another weight loss tool to have on your belt. It can really help with maintaining the weight loss, and may even cause you to lose more weight if you aren't careful. Apple cider vinegar boost metabolism, suppresses appetite, and reduces fat storage.


One important thing to remember is detoxing. Our world, our air, and our food is just so toxic that it's important to continue detoxing. I believe detoxing is a major key to prevent yourself from gaining weight. Toxins can cause weight gain, or it can make weight loss extra hard.

Consider using a sauna, doing some yoga, or consuming spirulina and chlorella.

Still gaining weight?

If you have done everything above and you are still gaining weight back, consider the fact that your diet needs to be tweaked a little. Maybe you're eating too much junk food and not enough whole foods. Try limiting sweets to certain days, or try to cut down on unhealthy snack foods. We should all be getting as much healthy whole foods as we can. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in whole foods help us to have a healthy life.

Congratulations on getting the weight off and I hope this post helps you to keep it off for life.

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