Friday, February 1, 2019

How To Lose Water Weight Quickly

Water weight can make you look so bloated, as if you weigh much more than you actually do. Most people are carrying around excess water weight. It especially shows up in your face and stomach. There are things you can do to lose water weight quickly. Here are some tips for losing water weight.

Diuretic Supplement

A diuretic supplement is a pill, usually with herbal and natural ingredients, that causes your body to flush out excess water. Now, if you choose to take these pills it is very important that you follow all instructions on the box and take plenty of water throughout the day.

Each day you should be drinking half your weight in ounces of water. So for example if a person weighs 120 lbs, they should be drinking 60 ounces of water daily. This is regardless of whether or not you are bloated. This is the recommended water intake for adults.

Reduce Carbs

If you are looking to only decrease bloating for a few days, reducing carbohydrate consumption will help. Lower the amount of carbs you eat by cutting down on bread, pasta, cereals, and sweets. Eat more vegetables which have lots of water and will help you flush out the water weight.

The reason you should cut carbs is because carbs make your body hold onto water weight. Vegetables still contain carbs, but it is usually much less carbs than fast food and sweets, and vegetables are very hydrating for the body.

Herbal Tea

When you have water weight, you may feel uncomfortable with drinking even more fluids, but there are herbal teas that can actually cause your body to release the excess water. One of those is dandelion tea. This is a better option than the water weight pills I described above, because you are actually drinking a lot of fluids when you drink tea which helps the problem.

To use dandelion tea, steep the tea according to the tea bag, and drink 3 cups of dandelion tea per day. This will reduce bloating and water weight gain.

Body Wrap

If the bloating is mostly in your stomach, consider using a body wrap. There are companies that sell these wraps, but check reviews and make sure it's a good body wrap before purchasing.

This will cause your stomach to sweat out the excess water, and you will see a flatter tummy the next day. The results usually don't last forever, so keep that in mind. Body wraps are great to use the day before an event or special date so that you can look extra slim.


A sauna can help you sweat out excess water weight. Many health clubs, spas, and gyms include a sauna in their monthly memberships. You can also invest in a sauna. There are some affordable saunas you can buy. Usually they are smaller and made for one person.

Remember if you use a sauna to re-hydrate after you sweat. Use infused water for proper re-hydration. This is water with fruit and herbs added to it. Placing frozen berries in your water is a great way to re-hydrate. This helps you get more vitamins and minerals back into your body after sweating.

I hope these tips for how to lose water weight quickly are helpful for you.

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