Sunday, February 3, 2019

Lose Weight By Sweating: 5 Simple Tips

I want to share with you today how you can lose weight by sweating. Now, I will say most of the weight you lose from sweating is water, bloating, and puffiness but that can make a huge difference. Most people are very bloated and carry around a lot of water weight.

The face can become puffy and make you look like you weigh much more than you actually do. Your pants can become tight and stomach can look puffy from water weight. So losing that water weight can actually make a big difference, especially for a short term event.

Also, you can't deny the detox effect of sweating. Detoxing helps tremendously with weight loss. It helps encourage our body to let go of fat.

So let's get into it.


First, I want to talk about using a sauna. Saunas help you sweat out toxins and reduce water weight gain. They can get rid of your bloating. Saunas provide dry heat that causes you to sweat. You can find a sauna to use at a local gym or spa.

A lot of gym memberships provide you the limitless ability to use their saunas as long as you are a member. That may be a better value because you don't have to pay for each use and you can also use their exercise equipment and exercise classes. A gym membership is a really great idea for anyone that is interested in losing weight because of all the features you receive along with your monthly membership.

Saunas can be used to reduce bloating in the body, which will help you slim down. It also causes your body to burn more calories during and after your session, which means your metabolism will be raised just from using the sauna.

Affordable, portable saunas are also available for at home use. They're like small tents for your body and can be used in the privacy of your own home.

Steam bath

A steam bath is very similar to a sauna. The difference is the steam room uses steam to heat the room and so it ends up being very humid. It's about wet heat vs dry heat. The sauna provides dry heat and the steam room provides wet heat.

Both will heat you up and help you sweat out the water weight and bloating.

Body wrap

If you specifically have lots of bloating in your stomach area, you may want to consider a body wrap. A body wrap is a wrap you can put on and help yourself lose water weight around the tummy. There are companies that sell expensive wraps with premium ingredients, but you can also just make one at home if you want to.

Some people even use these on their thighs as well to help lose extra water weight there. It does work in slimming the belly and thighs. This is more of a quick fix for an event you may have, as the weight loss comes back pretty quickly. But in the short term, you can lose inches off your waist with a body wrap.


This is probably everyone's least favorite way to lose weight by sweating. Exercise can help you in this regard. It does something extra as well though. It creates muscle which raises your resting metabolism. It also tones up the body so that you are more shapely.

If you want to sweat while you exercise, you'll need to ramp up the intensity of whatever workout you are doing. Some people use cardio, or high intensity interval training. I always sweat the most when doing cardio workouts. Whatever you are doing, make sure you aren't torturing yourself too much or you won't want to keep it up long term.

Oolong tea

Now, I've talked about oolong tea on this blog before. It's a great weight loss tool. It boosts your metabolism more than green tea. But did you know it can make you sweat?

I don't actually know if this is a common experience that others have, but I know that when I was drinking a few cups of oolong tea per day, I would actually get hot and start sweating. And all I was doing was sitting there!

So you may want to try it for this purpose. Either way, oolong tea is a great tool to have in your weight loss toolbox.

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