Thursday, April 25, 2019

6 Easy Ways To Get 10,000 Steps A Day

Walking is a great way to get in shape and lose weight. In this post I want to share with you 5 ways you can get more steps each day.

How Many Steps Should You Walk A Day?

The average person only walks about half of what they are supposed to, which is about 5,000 steps (source). For good fitness, you should aim for 10,000 steps per day, according to experts.

Why 10,000 Steps?

We want to aim for 10,000 steps per day so that we aren't sedentary for too much of the day. You want to stay active to ensure good health. That's why experts recommend shooting for 10,000 steps per day. You want to avoid any of the health issues related to being sedentary or remaining inactive for most of the day.

How Far Is 10,000 Steps?

10,000 steps is almost 5 miles. It sounds like a lot, but this is the minimum amount of walking you should be doing each day to maintain good health.

How To Measure 10,000 Steps

You can use a pedometer, which tracks your movement and steps. It's a little device that you clip onto your jeans. It follows your movements and tells you how many steps you took each day. You can also use apps on your phone, as long as your phone is on you all day. If you prefer not to always carry a phone, then using a pedometer would be the best way to track your steps.

5 Ways To Get More Steps Each Day

1. Park further away from the entrance. This will force you to have to walk more in order to get to where you are going. But don't do this if you are running late. In fact, you should give yourself extra time, so leave early knowing you will be parking a little bit further away than usual.

2. Take the stairs. This will also work your glutes a lot as well. Wherever you go, you should take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalators. You will get more steps in and improve your physical fitness level.

3. Take your dog for a walk. Your dog needs daily walking either way. Instead of getting someone else to do it, or not doing it at all, why not take your dog out on a trail? Fair warning: Once you start doing this regularly, your dog will come to expect it and will be bugging you to take him/her on a walk every day.

4. Walk around the neighborhood with a friend. This lets to spend quality time with your friend while you both get healthier. You can catch up and talk about everything which will help make the walk seem less daunting.

5. Walk on a treadmill. This is a tried and true way of getting in more steps. It may not be as exciting or entertaining as the other ways, but it'll get you what you need which is more steps.

6. Get up and walk randomly. If you work in an office or at a desk all day, find reasons to get up. Make sure that you are still doing job-related activities. I'm not telling you to skip out on your job. But find ways to get up and walk more. You will see the difference on your pedometer.

Even if you are working a sedentary job, you can do some of these things each day to get more steps and reach your goal of 10,000 steps a day.

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