Friday, April 5, 2019

Hibiscus Tea Weight Loss Benefits

In this post, I will be discussing the weight loss benefits of hibiscus tea and how to use hibiscus tea for weight loss. So let's dive right in.

What Is Hibiscus Tea?

Hibiscus is a sour tea that can be enjoyed either hot or cold. It tastes great both ways. This tea is made from the flowers of a hibiscus plant, and when it's brewed it becomes a dark reddish color.

How Does Hibiscus Tea Help With Weight Loss?

Hibiscus tea contains several plant compounds which contribute to weight loss. One of the main ways hibiscus tea helps with weight loss is it acts as a carb blocker in the body.

Hibiscus tea prevents your body from absorbing and using some of the carbs you consume. So it's almost like eating a reduced carb diet, without having to eat less carbs! Nice little trick huh?

Hibiscus tea also helps prevent fat storage. Since hibiscus tea improves your digestion, more of the food you consume will actually be used as energy for the body instead of being stored as fat on the body.

Research has proven the weight loss benefits of hibiscus tea.

Which Hibiscus Tea To Use

Loose leaf hibiscus tea will give you the most benefits, but any hibiscus tea you can find will give you some benefits for sure. I just want to make everyone aware that there are different qualities of tea, and loose leaf tea seems to be the best quality you can get. If you are interested in getting the most out of your tea, you may opt for drinking loose leaf tea.

How To Make Hibiscus Tea?

Heat some water on the stove or microwave. Once the water is very hot (not yet boiling) place the tea bag inside a cup and pour the water over the tea bag. Let the tea bag sit in the hot water for 5-10 minutes. The longer hibiscus tea brews, the darker the color, stronger the flavor, and more benefits you will receive from drinking the tea.

I recommend sweetening the tea with stevia if you need a sweetener. The tea does have a sour/tart taste, so some people may want to sweeten it up, although it does taste great plain as well.

When To Drink Hibiscus Tea For Weight Loss

The main ways hibiscus tea helps with weight loss involves blocking carbs and improving digestion, so I suggest drinking hibiscus tea with each meal. When you take hibiscus tea with food, it will be able to do all of these things but if you take it on an empty stomach it will be less effective for weight loss.

Drinking right before eating a meal is also fine. As long as the tea and food are both being processed together, you should still see results.

Other Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Weight loss isn't the only benefit of hibiscus tea. You can gain other health benefits from regular consumption of hibiscus tea.

Hibiscus tea may help with:
  • Stress reduction
  • Better digestion
  • Lower inflammation

How To Increase Weight Loss With Hibiscus Tea

I wanted to include some things you can do for weight loss along side drinking hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea alone may give some weight loss, but when paired with other healthy habits, your weight loss will soar. Try some of the following tips.

Get More Fiber

Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber rich foods. The recommended amount of fiber for an adult male is 30 grams and the recommended amount of fiber for an adult female is 25 grams. Foods that are rich in fiber are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Fiber rich foods aid the body in weight loss, and help prevent weight gain.

Get More Active

Try to be active at least 4 days out of the week. You will want to choose activities you already enjoy doing. Walking the dog, swimming, and dancing are just a few suggestions you may like to try. Remember that when you are doing an activity that you love, it doesn't feel like a chore and you are more likely to continue doing it for many months.

Cut Out Sweets

Try to cut back on your intake of processed sweet foods such as cookies, cakes, and candy. These foods will be a hindrance on your weight loss journey. They will only slow your weight loss down. Cut back your portions and try to enjoy your dessert slowly.

A good suggestion is to buy a quality 70% dark chocolate bar and eat a square. It will increase your satiety because of it's rich flavor but it will also quench your cravings for sweets.

Low Carb Diet

Since hibiscus tea is a natural carb blocker, pairing it with a low carb diet would increase weight loss exponentially. Reducing your carbohydrate intake to 50-80 grams per day would be a good place to start if you want to see results.

When Will I See Results?

If you are drinking hibiscus tea and doing at least one other activity or habit to promote weight loss, you should see results the first week. Give it at least 3 weeks to see any changes, because your body will need to adjust to the new routine.

I hope these weight loss tips help you on your weight loss journey. Adding hibiscus tea to your weight loss plan can really increase the weight loss results you receive.

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