Thursday, May 23, 2019

6 Things You Need To Know About Intermittent Fasting

In today's post, I will be discussing 6 things you need to know about intermittent fasting. Some of these things are negative, but some are advantages that you receive from intermittent fasting. I think that they are all useful to know if you are going to begin an intermittent fasting plan.

You Will Be Hungry

You probably expected that you'll be hungry on an intermittent fasting program and it's true. You'll have to endure some hunger. If your body is used to eating at certain times, hormones are released during that time that will make you hungry. If you skip a meal, then you'll have to endure that hunger.

The good news is that it does get easier the longer you practice intermittent fasting. Your body will become fat adapted and will learn how to efficiently pull energy from your fat stores to fuel you. You will get less hungry. But you'll always have to deal with some amount of hunger.

Hunger comes and goes in waves. You may feel ravenous for 2 hours, but then the feeling subsides and you aren't so hungry anymore.

People Will Judge You

If people around you find out that you are intermittent fasting, they will judge you. Some will preach at you about your body needing multiple meals a day. Some will stay you're in starvation mode and starving yourself. It seems like everyone becomes a health coach as soon as they hear that you are intermittent fasting, even though they, themselves, are overweight and have been for a long time. But they know better than you.

You can't do much about this problem. You can try to educate them, but some people are way too brainwashed to even bother with it. The best thing to do is probably keep your mouth shut about intermittent fasting. Only tell someone if you absolutely have to, or if you feel like they are open minded enough to understand it.

Keeping On Schedule Is Hard

You can't end your fast until 2 p.m. but there's a company lunch at 12 p.m. These things happen all the time. If you know about an event beforehand, you can always readjust your fasting window to line up with the event you are supposed to attend. That would mean that you stop eating a little bit earlier the following day so that you can attend that company lunch.

Sometimes adjustments have to be made. Sometimes you just have to say, "To heck with it," and not fast at all on some days. It's okay to do that, as long as it's not a regular thing. As long as you are intermittent fasting 95% of the days, you will see results.

You'll Get Fast Results

This is one of those benefits I was talking about. The results you get from intermittent fasting will come a lot quicker than traditional diet and exercise. That is because intermittent fasting is superior to the traditional diet and exercise guidelines that everyone is taught.

You can expect to lose more fat as well. If you take pictures, you will especially notice your body changing quickly on an intermittent fasting plan.

You'll Feel Better

Little aches and pains that you used to have may go away. That is because intermittent fasting is anti-inflammatory. Sometimes certain things will just completely resolve. I know that many people comment that they used to have digestive issues that cleared up completely on an intermittent fasting schedule.

When you go periods of time without eating, your body can heal more quickly and more efficiently. You are especially giving your digestive system a rest so that it has time and energy to repair.

You Can Eat Cake

There may have been certain foods you had to avoid while on a traditional diet, but on intermittent fasting you have a little bit more freedom. People can eat a wide variety of foods that are considered "no-no" foods in the diet community, and still drop weight just as fast.

Now, I'm not advocating for an unhealthy diet full of processed foods. I'm just saying that you have the freedom to eat those things without it causing as much problems. You are mitigating some of the damage of eating that junk, and in some cases even reversing the damage it causes.

I hope you enjoyed these intermittent fasting tips.

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