Thursday, May 2, 2019

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Getting rid of belly fat can be a challenge. In this post I will be giving pointers and tips for how to get rid of belly fat. This is based on personal experience and research. Hope you find it helpful.

Belly Fat Loss

When we are trying to burn fat, we often lose it in different areas according to our genetics. So someone might lose it all over equally. Someone else may lose in their face and arms first before anything else, etc.

Losing belly fat requires you to actually lose fat in general all over. You can't just burn it from your belly. So keep that in mind if you like your booty. Because you may lose fat from there too while attempting to lose your belly fat. You can always gain the weight back if you don't like how things look after you lose it.


Stress can contribute to excess belly fat due to stress hormones being released. Any kind of stress or anxiety can cause those stress hormones to be released. You should lower your stress. If you work at a stressful job, it may be time to switch jobs. If you can't switch jobs, then handling the stress better is the only way.

Meditating daily for at least 10 minutes can help you handle stress better. Checking out a guided meditation for stress is your best bet for getting into a daily meditation practice. Once you develop the habit, you will look forward to your daily meditations.

Yoga is another way to help you handle stress. Yoga teaches you to breathe through difficult to handle positions. This will translate to lowered stress in your day to day life. Seek out a beginner's yoga class near you or online.

Chamomile tea is also a good way to decrease stress. Chamomile tea is a mild sedative which can have an impact on how easily provoked we are. Hibiscus tea is another tea that helps you with stress. Be sure to drink 3 to 5 cups of tea per day.

Green Tea

Green tea decreases belly fat when paired with exercise. If you exercise, try adding green tea. Matcha green tea is the most potent green tea that has the most antioxidants. Green tea is a well known weight loss aid and has been proven in many studies to help people achieve their weight loss goals.

Green tea increases your metabolism and helps you burn excess fat. It especially targets the belly fat and helps you burn it for fuel.


If you aren't exercising, you should try to add exercise. If you want to get rid of belly fat, there are a couple of exercises you can do to help you achieve this goal.

Resistance Training

Increasing your strength and muscle mass through resistance training is a great way to burn belly fat. Any body weight exercises will count as resistance training. That includes push-ups, squats, and lunges.

And yes working out other parts of the body (other than just the belly) will help you lose belly fat. This is because these exercises will raise your metabolism which will cause you to burn fat. When you burn fat, belly fat is included in that fat. So don't only focus on exercises that target your belly. Workout the entire body when you are doing resistance training. Doing so will help you have a fit and toned body to match your flat stomach.

Planks are a great exercise to tighten the entire core. Be sure to include planks in your total body workout.

Cut Out Processed Foods

One sure fire way of getting rid of belly fat is cutting out processed foods and switching to a whole foods diet.

Whole foods are foods that are as close to nature as possible, so they have had very little if any processing. They are mostly fresh, frozen, or dried foods. They don't have artificial preservatives or sugar added to them. They are natural foods.

Some examples of processed foods are: Doritos, Oreos, sliced bread, crackers, ice cream, etc.

Some examples of whole foods are: Bananas, chicken breast, frozen fruit, carrots, cashews.

The goal is to try to buy foods that have as little ingredients as possible. Ideally, you will want to buy foods that have 2 ingredients or less and you should be able to pronounce and know what all those ingredients are.

If there are any ingredients on the list that you do not know, it's probably processed. If the item is in a package, it's probably processed. If it has added sugar, it's definitely processed.

I hope these tips help those of you who are looking to get rid of belly fat. Thank you for reading.

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