Monday, December 31, 2018

Lose Weight Eating Fruit

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

In this post I will discuss how to lose weight eating fruit. Losing weight with fruit is delicious and easy. After the holidays many of us are looking for ways to cleanse, detox, and lose weight. Fruit is very cleansing, so in this post I will give you a few ways to use fruit for weight loss.

Diet #1: Replace a meal with fruit

Choose one meal a day and replace it with one serving of fruit. For example instead of your regular breakfast, have one banana. Then go about your day as normal and have your usual lunch and dinner for the day. You don't have to pick breakfast though. You could have a normal breakfast, but have a serving of grapes for lunch, followed by your normal dinner. All you have to do on this diet is replace one full meal with one serving of fruit. This is an easy way to cut calories without even counting anything.

Diet #2: Replace all sweets with berries

In this diet, you can have all your normal meals but do not have any sweets. Replace all cokes, cakes, cookies, etc with a serving of berries instead. I chose berries because of the cleansing properties and antioxidants. Your health would improve and you would detox. This diet plan is best for someone who is addicted to sweets and eats them every day. This is to help break that addiction and get you eating healthier foods. You can choose strawberries, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. All of these are filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Photo by Bruna Branco on Unsplash

Diet #3: Fruit Cleanse

This diet is not for the faint of heart. You will be replacing all food with fruit for 3 days. This is a fast way to lose weight, cleanse, and detox. Make no mistake, it is HARD. If you have processed food and caffeine addictions you will suffer. Just try to have enough fruit around that you can grab some whenever any detox symptoms come along. Choose many different kinds of fruits. Include lots of berries, citrus, bananas, melons, etc. Try to have a large variety. As for drinks, only have water and nothing else. Only do this for 3 days at a time. If you need more weight loss after 3 days, choose one of the above diets to continue. You can repeat this 3 day fruit cleanse once or twice a month.

You will need to count calories and make sure that you are eating plenty of fruit. Do not under-eat during the fruit cleanse.

So I hope this post helps anyone who is trying to start off the new year in a more healthy way. Tomorrow is New Year's Day and I know many of you want to lose weight. To lose weight eating fruit is very easy and fun, and I hope this gives you some ideas to incorporate fruit in your diet.

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