Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Intermittent Fasting One Week Results

I've been intermittent fasting for one week and I wanted to make a post summarizing my intermittent fasting one week results.

First, a brief definition of intermittent fasting for those who don't know. Intermittent fasting is a diet where you restrict your eating to certain times of the day. These times can vary depending on the individual and their goals.

I started out this week with a goal of having a 20 hour fasting window every day. Well, let's just say that didn't happen. My average fast this week was 18.5 hours. One fast was 19 hours and the rest were around 18 and 18.5.

My eating window was usually around 5 or 6 hours, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I just made sure that I stopped eating early enough that it wouldn't give me a problem the next day. I like to start off the day already fasting more than 12 hours. A typical day this week: I would start eating around early afternoon 1 to 2 p.m. and stop eating during the early evening around 6 p.m.

Okay, for the big reveal. How much weight did I lose one week intermittent fasting? I lost a total of exactly 4.4 lbs. That's pretty good for the first week. I believe some of that was water weight from the holidays, but some was definitely fat because intermittent fasting forces our bodies to dip into our fat reserves. I'm very pleased that I lost 4.4 lbs though and will continue with this.

I will not be posting weight loss photos yet. I want to give it at least a month or so before I start doing that because I want the weight loss to be dramatic enough in the photos to make it worth it to post, if that makes sense. But I will be posting those eventually. For now I'm just giving summaries of how much weight I lost each week.

For this next week, my only goal is to try to increase my fasting time. I'm not too happy with 18 hours. It's okay for beginners, but I consider myself a seasoned intermittent faster, as I have a history with it. So 18 is a little bit whimpy for me, and also I'm interested in the added benefits that a person gets with longer fasting times. That is truly why I decided to make a lifestyle out of this.

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