Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Intermittent Fasting 2 Weeks Results

Okay it's time for my intermittent fasting 2 weeks results post.

This week my goal was to at least fast for longer than last week. So the goal to beat was 18.5 hours average fast per day and I did accomplish that goal. My average fasting window this week was 18.75 hours, close to 19 hours but not quite there. At least I was able to stick to that and I am definitely glad I did. I didn't really measure my eating window, but I mostly had about 2 meals and a snack.

Last week, my first week of intermittent fasting, I lost 4.4 lbs. This week I lost 0. I was definitely confused. I put in a total of 151 hours fasting this week. I didn't gain anything though, which I'm glad about. I guess I need to switch things up in order to lose more weight.

Going forward, my goal for this week is to do some deep cleansing and detoxing. I want to get the junk out of my body. I guess a few days on a cleansing diet is what I will probably do. I'm not sure what that will look like for me yet, but I will have another update next week.

I tend to get a lot of cravings and I know it is due to overgrown parasites in my gut. Almost everyone has them, but most people's immune systems keep them in check so they don't need to worry too much. But for some of us, our immune systems were compromised by poor diet, trauma, or illness which gave them a foothold to become a major problem. Then they start creating negative symptoms that impact our life. I am one of those people, so I need to do some cleansing work to help give my body more of the upper hand. Then once my body is stronger, I will be able to do so much more.

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