Friday, January 11, 2019

Parasite Cleanse To Lose Weight

Most of us don't want to think about parasites and worms living and growing inside of us, but this is a natural part of life. Most people live in harmony with their parasites and experience no ill symptoms. But for some, parasites cause a lot of bad symptoms and interrupt life. They also may halt your weight loss abilities. In this article I want to talk about how to parasite cleanse to lose weight.

There are many ways to get rid of parasites. When a person has a problem with parasites, they tend to do more than one of these methods. They also tend to have to continue cleansing periodically for months in order to truly get the infestation down and get their immune system up to rid themselves of the problem for good.

Some symptoms of parasites:

  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Stomach bloating
  • Skin rashes
  • Food sensitivities
  • Intense cravings for carbs

If you have had dogs or cats as pets, you can almost be sure you have parasites. And if you have most of the symptoms listed above, it is very likely that a parasite cleanse will do you some good in eliminating them. I experience intense food cravings. These critters latch onto the walls of your intestines and send signals to your brain, literally controlling how you feel sometimes, just to get you to feed them sugar and carbs. Ugh!

Herbal Parasite Cleanse

There are some herbs that people take for parasite cleansing. I tried a pre-made herbal formula for parasites. I actually didn't notice much of anything. I observed the toilet and didn't see what I expected to see. Big fat gross creatures is what I expected. I'm not saying don't try to herbal cleanses, as they do work for some. I will say that that specific brand of herbal cleanse didn't really help me.

If you do want to try to use an herbal cleanse, by all means go for it. Especially if you see others having success with it. The main herbs people use to kill parasites are sweet wormwood, clove, and black walnut hull. Just be sure to read the instructions very carefully and follow them, as these herbs are often used with an on/off rotation.

Foods That Kill Parasites

You can also choose to fill your diet with foods that parasites hate. Parasites are only there because you are providing them with the perfect environment. If the environment were to suddenly change and be unfavorable to them, they would have to leave. So fill your diet with foods such as:
  • Garlic
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Onions
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Coconut
  • Carrots
Consider flooding your diet with these foods. You could actually go on a week long cleanse where your only consume foods known to expel parasites.

Dried Coconut Parasite Cleanse

One remedy that was studied and said to get rid of up to 90% of intestinal parasites was the dried coconut parasite flush. Dried coconut is extremely good at getting rid of parasites. I love the taste of dried coconut as well. Many people use coconut oil and dried coconut to rid themselves of these critters.

One really easy way to eat dried coconut is to add it to yogurt or oatmeal. If you really can't stand the texture, then you can blend dried coconut to make coconut flour. Then use coconut flour to bake yourself a variety of baked goods. There are a lot of recipes using coconut flour instead of wheat flour.

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