Monday, January 14, 2019

Fat Burning Foods: 40 Foods That Burn Fat

Have you ever wanted to know which foods you can eat that would help you lose weight? When we are dieting, we often feel restricted. There are some foods that you can eat more of that would actually benefit your weight loss efforts.You can eat these foods to boost metabolism. Here are the top 40 fat burning foods.

1. Eggs

Eggs help keep blood sugar stable. A breakfast of eggs means that you will most likely eat less throughout the day, according to studies. This is because eggs keep you feeling fuller for longer periods of time. Time after time, studies prove that eggs help with increasing weight loss.

2. Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is a low calorie substitute for squash. Many people say that when you add marinara sauce to spaghetti squash, you can't even tell the difference. There are many vitamins and minerals found in squash that are not found in pasta.

3. Natural peanut butter

Peanut butter is actually a really good snack to have, because it has lots of good protein which will help you stay full. Often we feel hungry again shortly after a snack, but snacking on peanut butter can prevent that hunger from returning for a while.

4. Almonds

Almonds are the healthiest nut to consume. They have so many nutrients. They contain fiber, protein, and good fats to keep you full. A handful of almonds as a snack cuts down on belly fat. You can sprinkle it on a salad, or put unsalted almonds in vanilla yogurt.

5. Flaxseed

Flaxseed has so much good fats and fiber that you will feel fuller for longer. Most people will sprinkle milled flaxseed into oatmeal, yogurt, or a smoothie. It helps regulate blood sugar which is very important when you want to control cravings.

6. Avocado

Avocado is actually a fruit. It contains lots of good fats. The type of fat that is in avocados actually increases metabolism. Eating avocados on sandwiches or salads are a good way to consume this food.

7. Chickpeas

Like many of the foods on this list, chickpeas have lots of fiber and protein to keep you full. But chickpeas also have lots of nutrients and minerals to help keep your body strong. Nutrient rich foods are important when trying to lose weight.

8. Salsa

Salsa is a low calorie food that can be used as a condiment or dip. Swapping out creamy or dairy based dips for salsa will help you will consuming less calories. It also contains more nutrients and vegetables.

9. Leafy greens

Leafy greens are nutrient dense, low calorie food. They are always a good staple for someone who is dieting and trying to lose weight. There are so many vitamins and minerals in greens, not to mention all the good fiber. The plant fiber helps the body in detoxing.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of my favorite healthy foods. Oatmeal has lots of fiber. It "sticks to your ribs" and keeps you full for hours. I wouldn't recommend the oatmeal in the little packets that are full of sugar. I recommend buying plain rolled oats and then adding natural sweeteners. Some of my favorite things to add to plain oats are raw honey, cut up fruit, dried fruit, and stevia.

11. Pumpkin

Pumpkin has lots of potassium, more than a banana in fact. There are many weight loss dessert recipes that include pumpkin. Who doesn't love a good pumpkin recipe in the fall? Adding pumpkin to yogurt tastes really good.

12. Cabbage

Cabbage is very low calorie, but it's also very good for you. It can be made into weight loss soups, used instead of flour tortillas, or even fermented. It's a very popular weight loss food because it adds bulk without adding many calories.

13. Raspberries

Raspberries taste so good, but what's more is that they contain many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function and burn fat. Raspberries can aid in boosting metabolism. Adding raspberries to your breakfast is a great way to start the morning.

14. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a good weight loss food. Grapefruit helps you stay fuller for longer because it's full of water and fiber. Half a grapefruit with breakfast can boost metabolism.

15. Artichokes

Artichokes are a metabolism-boosting food. They contain lots of fiber, more than you will find in other vegetables. Be careful with so much fiber, and slowly increase your fiber intake. Some people can experience cramping or other digestive upsets when increasing fiber too quickly. Fiber is very good for weight loss.

16. Salmon

A great source of protein, salmon is very delicious. Salmon also has good fats. It's one of the healthier meats that you could consume when trying to lose weight. It can be a bit pricey though.

17. Peas

Green peas are packed with almost all your daily nutrient needs, plus plenty of fiber.

18. Yogurt

Yogurt is so good for you. Like many of these foods, it has protein in it. It also has probiotics, which make your gut microbiome more healthy. The health of our gut often dictates the health of the rest of our body, so having foods that contain good bacteria is important for health and weight maintenance. Too much bad bacteria in the gut can actually cause cravings for bad foods.

20. Quinoa

Quinoa is touted as a weight loss food because of all the protein and fiber. Grains get a lot of negative attention, but quinoa is one of the healthier grains to include in your diet. It's a heart healthy staple that can bulk up a meal and help you feel full while eating lesser calorie vegetables.

21. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are a great weight loss snack, because they are so sweet and full of fiber. They can help tame that craving for sweet foods. Cut up apples in oatmeal with a dash of cinnamon is a great snack or meal for anyone trying to lose weight.

22. Tuna

Tuna contains good fats, lots of protein, and minerals. And it tastes so good too. I like the tuna packets that have spices added to it, for enhanced flavor.

23. Pistachios

Pistachios are another good nut to add to your diet. Studies have shown that those that eat pistachios as a snack end up losing weight. This is most likely because it keeps you feeling full and satisfied. If you miss the crunchy salty chips, pistachios also has crunchiness and saltiness.

24. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a good lean meat to help you with your diet. There isn't much fat in chicken. It's mostly lots of protein and minerals that you need to build strong healthy bones and muscles. Plus, chicken tastes good and can be eaten with a variety of vegetables and dishes.

25. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has proven in studies to boost metabolism. The hotter the pepper, the higher it boosts your fat burning ability. The spiciness of the pepper actually makes you less hungry as well.

26. Potatoes

Potatoes contain almost everything you need, and they are delicious and filling. They are a great staple if you are trying to lose weight. There are many ways to prepare potatoes. Some people think of potatoes as taking a lot of prep time, but it can be a quick and convenient food. Pop it in the microwave and you have a baked potato ready to eat.

27. Green tea

Green tea isn't really a food, it's more of a drink, but it has proven time and time again to boost resting metabolism. It especially targets belly fat. This means that green tea will help you a lot with your weight loss efforts. I wouldn't put lots of processed sugar in the tea though. You should try stevia or raw honey, or just get used to drinking the tea plain. Those extra calories are not necessary.

28. Berries

Berries are so healthy. They have so many antioxidants to help you age more slowly and fight off cancer. They can be a sweet addition to your diet. They tend to have less sugar than other fruits, so it's good for weight loss.

29. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have a lot of the same benefits of regular potatoes, but they contain vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are usually preferred by dieters.

30. Beans

Beans are so good for your health. They contain fiber and protein, along with vitamins and minerals. You need to prepare them correctly though. Buy dried beans, soak them overnight for at least 8 hours, then proceed to cook them. Many people do not prepare beans the right way, so they do not see a lot of the health benefits that beans can offer.

31. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is another chinese tea that helps a lot with weight loss. Although green tea is promoted a lot, oolong tea actually boosts metabolism more than green tea according to studies.

32. Bananas

I love bananas. They are a great snack for anyone who is trying to lose weight. They fill you up, they have plenty of fiber, and they taste sweet. Cut up bananas in oatmeal tastes very good.

33. Watermelon

Watermelon is another sweet snack that is great for weight loss. Its a great way to get the water you need in a day. It's so hydrating, much more than a sports drink. Watermelon tastes good and it provides lots of vitamins.

34. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are some of the most cleansing foods you can eat. They aid in deep detoxification. They are part of an alkaline diet, and boost your health and immune system. They have lots of vitamins and water. Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, tangerines, and limes are great for snacking.

35. Coconut oil

Switching out vegetable oil for coconut oil will help you in weight loss. Coconut oil has proven to boost metabolism. It helps with keeping cravings at bay. Coconut oil actually has a very wide array of health benefits.

36. Herbs

For anyone wanting to lose weight, adding herbs to your dishes is a great way to get more flavor without adding fats and sugar. A lot of times the way we tend to add flavor to foods will add unnecessary calories to the food. Herbs lets you add flavor without adding many calories, plus there are many health benefits to herbs.

37. Soup

I'm not talking about canned soup. I'm talking about homemade soup. Anything goes here as long as you don't use a creamy base. For weight loss you would want to use a broth base for the soup. Add whatever vegetables you like, and add a lean meat if you desire that. Soup is warm, filling, and few calories.

38. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be healthy, as long as it has a high percentage of dark chocolate. You need to go to the baker's aisle and only pick out those chocolates that are more than 70% dark. It will taste a little different than your usual milk chocolate bar, but it helps so much in boosting metabolism and is definitely much more healthy for you.

39. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented food that has lots of good gut bacteria. It's a great weight loss tool. I recommend to have it every single day if you are trying to lose weight. It has so many weight loss benefits. There are people that have changed nothing, just added apple cider vinegar to their daily life, and dropped tremendous amounts of weight. You will want to add it to water with lemon and honey if you want to make it taste a little better.

40. Lemon water

Lemon water is great for anyone who is trying to cleanse and lose weight. Lemon is a great detox fruit, and water helps you feel full. Have water with lemon first thing in the morning to help cleanse your system and boost metabolism.

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