Monday, January 28, 2019

White Tea Weight Loss: Burn Fat With Tea

Let's talk about white tea weight loss. I want to help you understand how drinking white tea can burn fat and help you lose weight. White tea is super affordable and can be found in many grocery stores. So let's get started.

White tea, black tea, and green tea are all made from the same leaves of the same plant. The difference is the leaves are picked at different times, which causes the different teas to have different properties and antioxidant levels.

Did you know that white tea is actually even better for your immune system than green tea? Green tea gets a lot of buzz online and elsewhere, but there are other teas that are just as amazing and white tea is one of them.

Which White Tea To Use For Weight Loss

When using white tea for weight loss, any white tea will do just fine. Some people prefer the higher quality loose leaf teas. Those can be ordered online or at any specialty store. I personally have used the regular white tea bags and they worked just fine and taste great. But the loose leaf teas are definitely higher quality teas.

How Does White Tea Help With Weight Loss

White tea does a few things that cause you to lose weight. White tea is able to help your body break down fat. It also helps prevent new fat cells from forming (source). That is a major thing help when it comes to weight loss.

White tea boosts the metabolism and causes you to burn extra calories without changing your diet or exercising. Just simply drinking the tea will cause your metabolism to increase and you will burn more fat.

Insulin resistance is a main reason why many are overweight, and white tea fights against insulin resistance. Because of this, you will actually experience your appetite being suppressed if you drink white tea. You may not crave carbs as much either without even noticing it.

How To Use White Tea For Weight Loss

Using white tea for weight loss is simple. Just drink 3 cups of white tea every day after your regular meals. You should stick with this plan for some weeks to determine how the white tea is going to work for you. You may notice a boost of energy, and your pants will definitely start to get more loose as you go.

Other Benefits of White Tea

White tea also fights against cancer and age-related diseases. It is anti-aging and boosts the immune system. White tea is a very healthy beverage that can help you stay in good health.

White tea does contain 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, so be careful with the amount you drink if you have a caffeine sensitivity. Some people have a higher tolerance to caffeine and can get away with having more of it. Just keep this in mind, and don't drink it too close to bedtime.

I recommend not adding any sweeteners to the tea, as this would counteract some of the calories you burn from drinking the tea.

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