Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How To Lose Weight Faster: 3 Proven Tips

Today I want to share with you a few proven tips you can use to lose weight faster. If you are on a weight loss program and want to lose weight faster, you can add these things to your program to watch the weight fall off. Even if you aren't in any program, doing these things by themselves will make you lose a lot of weight. So let's get started.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The first thing I want to suggest is adding a daily apple cider vinegar weight loss drink. I'm going to explain how this works. You make this drink that has just a few ingredients in it. You usually drink it before your biggest meal. Some people take it up to twice a day.

What this drink does is actually increase your metabolism while at the same time preventing you from storing as many carbs. That's why it's important to drink it before your biggest meal. This drink alone has helped people I personally know to drop 10 or 15 lbs without changing anything else about their diet. You need to try it.

Now apple cider vinegar is a fermented food, and it honestly doesn't taste or smell very great. You can add things to it to make it taste better or mask the taste. If you follow the recipe, it won't be so bad and you get used to the taste after some time anyway. The health benefits of apple cider vinegar make it worth it. So go ahead and follow this link and bookmark this recipe so that you can try it.

Green Tea

Adding a few cups of green tea every day will help you lose weight faster. Green tea has scientifically proven again and again that it increases your resting metabolism. That means without diet and without exercise, you can increase the amount of calories your body burns just by drinking this tea.

And it also specifically targets belly fat, which everyone wants to get rid of. So it can help you to achieve a slimmer waist and more hourglass figure. All by just drinking the tea. There is good news if you already exercise, because green tea has a synergistic effect with exercise. That means that the results you get with green tea + exercise is more than the results you get with exercise alone.

It probably sounds too good to be true for some people, but green tea has been heavily studied. It's the antioxidants found in green tea that boost metabolism. In order to get the benefits of green tea, you should drink 3-5 cups per day and don't add any calories/sweetener to the tea unless its no calorie sweetener like stevia.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting isn't very new. It's been around, but the common person may have not heard of it yet or may not really know what it is. I know when I first started intermittent fasting in 2012, no one that I knew really knew what it was. But it's definitely becoming more popular today.

Intermittent fasting is an eating schedule. It doesn't tell you how to eat. It tells you when to eat. Now some people hear about it and they say, "Well I can't do that because of..." and they rattle off some excuse. But intermittent fasting is very versatile. There are many schedules to choose from and you choose the one that fits your lifestyle.

I'll give an example of one of the most popular schedules. It's called 16/8 intermittent fasting and you just don't eat or drink any calories for 16 hours, then you have an eating window of 8 hours. You eat all of your daily calories in that 8 hour window and then repeat. It's basically like skipping breakfast and cutting out late night snacking. But you get to have water the whole time.

You may think that this sounds unhealthy, but that can't be farther from the truth. Intermittent fasting is also heavily studied and there is much research backing the multitude of health benefits, not just weight loss. So give it a try. But not before you read up on it and get more familiar with it and how it works. That way you will understand what you are actually doing and what your body goes through in this time.

So I hope you try these proven way to lose weight faster so that you can speed up your weight loss and get to your goal more quickly.

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