Friday, January 25, 2019

Why You Can't Intermittent Fast

I began intermittent fasting almost 7 years ago and during this time I've had people make excuses to me about why they can't intermittent fast. Now, by any means I don't go around forcing this lifestyle on other people. But when they ask what I do for weight loss, I would tell them I do intermittent fasting. For some strange reason they feel obligated to immediately tell me why they can't do it, even though I wasn't trying to get them to do it at all. I decided to write about these reasons and why they're crap, and why YOU CAN and should intermittent fast.

I'm Too Busy

She says she's too busy at work and needs food to help her make it through her tough schedule. Honey, the fuel you need is wrapped around your thighs. Not being mean here, but body fat is fuel. You've done loaded yourself up to make it through the winter. You would have no problem.

The reason you feel so hungry while having so much body fat is because you are a sugar burner at the moment. You have to go through a period of adjustment where your body learns how to more easily switch back into burning fat. Your body will feel like crap in the beginning, but over time it will feel much more natural to skip breakfast.


They absolutely can't do without their coffee and sugar/creamer so they absolutely can't intermittent fast. This is crap as well. Have your coffee. Have your creamer. Have it during your eating window though.

You can actually follow an eating window that lets you eat breakfast and lunch, but then you have to be okay with skipping dinner. So what's worse? Having a morning with no coffee or not having dinner with the family. You gotta pick one if you want to do intermittent fasting.

Another idea is to have coffee with a teaspoon of butter or coconut oil and nothing else. It sounds gross. I don't know because I don't even drink coffee, but other people that intermittent fast love it for some reason. You might as well try it before giving up coffee altogether.

Starvation Mode

They say they'll go into starvation mode and won't lose anything but water weight. Um no. Our bodies were literally designed to do this. This is a more natural way of eating than stuffing your face all day. You know what happens when you graze all day like a cow? You end up looking like a cow. Unless of course you spend hours in a gym and eat very little calories. I've seen someone do that too and then look at me sideways for intermittent fasting. But honey you enjoy that 4 hour workout followed by your bread crumbs.

I want to point out that intermittent fasting is most certainly not a starvation diet. We just eat our daily calories in a shorter time frame than you do. If you are losing weight as a woman, you may be eating something like 1400 calories divided into 3 meals and 2 snacks sprinkled throughout the day. Whereas if someone is intermittent fasting, they may eat 1400 calories within a span of 5 hours, depending on what type of IF they are doing. There are many different types of intermittent fasting, but that's another post altogether. Just know that we aren't starving.

Family Won't Do It With Me

Now finally an excuse I understand, because this one is hard. It's hard to see other people eat when you can't eat. It's hard to have them eating lunch or dinner nearby or even cooking it in the same house as you. That stuff is hard. But if you really believe in intermittent fasting, you have to sacrifice somehow. Fasting is about giving up, but you are giving up with a purpose. That purpose is improved health, lower inflammation, weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, etc.

I wish I could tell you a way to make this easier. The truth is, this one probably won't get easier with time. It has to be a thought adjustment made by you. You have to just remember why you are doing what you're doing. Stay motivated. Also, give yourself "cheat days" where you have a larger eating window so that you can enjoy a birthday brunch here and there without having to say no.

Success Story

I want to share with you a personal story about a family member. They gave excuses. They "couldn't do" intermittent fasting. Eventually they came around and have lost 10 lbs so far. I'm not saying intermittent fasting is for everyone. There are some people that may have medical reasons for why they can't do intermittent fasting. But I will say intermittent fasting is for most people and I truly believe that. Why? Because I believe our bodies were made to eat in this cyclical way. In some magic way, intermittent fasting lowers your risk of all major diseases. And eating all day long increases your risk. The choice is up to you.

I will close this post by saying if you are under 18 or have known nutritional deficiencies, you shouldn't intermittent fast. If you have a chronic health condition and are taking medication, talk to your doctor about whether or not you could do intermittent fasting.

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