Tuesday, February 5, 2019

How To Get a Slimmer Face

In this post, I'm going to teach you how to get a slimmer face.

In a world of face-slimming photo filters, we may start to feel bad about how our faces look in real life. Maybe you think your cheeks are too chubby, or maybe you have a double chin. Here are some tips to change your face and make it more sculpted and slim.

Face Yoga

Face yoga is a series of exercises you can do with your face. Just like you workout the rest of your body, your face can actually be worked out too. There are muscles in your face and if they are worked out in the right way, it can lift and sculpt you a better looking face.

Face yoga can make your face look more youthful, slim, and beautiful. These exercises must be done often, just like other exercises for your body. If you want a bubble butt, you aren't going to just do squats once. And if you want a sculpted face, you can't just do face yoga once and expect to have it.

In order to learn face yoga, it's best to learn from a professional and follow their lead. Here is a good face yoga workout video for you to try.

Reduce Bloating

Consider the fact that some of your face fat is actually water weight. You may be bloated. I do have an article on how to reduce water weight gain. A few tips are to go to a sauna or steam room, or reduce carbs and drink dandelion tea. This could dramatically cut down on the facial bloating. You would be surprised at how small your face would be after doing these things.

Remember to drink plenty of water, get plenty of good vitamins and minerals, and have an all around healthy diet. This can cut back on bloating as well.


Mewing is also a type of facial exercise, but very different from face yoga. Mewing can actually change the bone structure over time and give you a chiseled jaw line and more attractive features. This is achieved through correct tongue posture.

The idea is that most people are not holding their tongue in the right position, and therefore their face has grown in an unsightly way. It changes the entire look of the face. Have you ever seen a model with an amazing jawline and very attractive face? You can achieve a similar look through mewing.

Just like face yoga, this is a long term method, meaning it won't happen overnight. I know that is frustrating for some, because we just want instant results, but to change your face to a more attractive face takes time, effort, and work.

If you want to find out more about mewing and orthotropics, here is a really good introductory article and video showing everything you need to know as a beginner.

I've seen videos online of people who have practiced mewing for a year or so and it really does seem to give you a nicer jawline. This goes for both males and females. It can be a challenge to do at first, and you certainly have to get used to it.

So those are my tips for how to get a slimmer face. I hope you learned something new and useful today.

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