Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How To Make Weight Loss Suck Less

So you're on a weight loss journey and it sucks. Yeah, I've been there too. I have some tips that can help anyone who is trying to lose weight. It doesn't have to suck as bad as it does. Here are my best tips for making weight loss suck less.

Realistic Goals

Weight loss may suck for you because you want to lose weight too quickly, so you are going to the extremes. Being more relaxed with your weight loss goals can take some pressure off, and make things a bit easier.

Maybe settle on losing 4-5 lbs per month and make small changes here and there to reach your goal. This is much easier on you than trying to lose 20 lbs in a month. Remember it's not how fast you get to the finish line, it's the process that's important.

Ease back on some of those high expectations, give yourself a cheat day every once in a while, and stick to a small goal. It's much more sustainable.

Fun Activity

Studies show that people that choose an activity they love end up losing more weight in the long run. Why is that? Because if you pick an exercise that you hate, you aren't going to stick to it long term.

Any activity, no matter how small, can be considered exercise as long as you are being physically active. So if you enjoy walking your dog, then walk your dog every day for your workout. If you like tennis, then play some tennis. Some more fun things you could do are swimming, gardening, riding your bike, and dancing.

Choose something you already love doing, and just be consistent about doing it every day. This is much less torturous than forcing yourself to run 5 miles a day or forcing yourself to go on an exercise machine.

Your Diet Is Too Strict

You may be hating your weight loss plan because you aren't eating enough food, or you're restricting yourself way too much. Make sure that your dietary habits are sustainable. For example, a 900 calorie a day diet is not sustainable for most women. Some women who are very short would have to eat that much, but if you are average height, you will be very unhappy with that type of diet.

If you cut out too many food groups, you may also experience unhappiness. Just remember that you don't have to be that strict in order to lose weight. Making smarter and better choices is enough for most people to lose 1 lb a week.

Intermittent Fasting

Of course I'm going to suggest intermittent fasting because it's an easy way to lose weight. But really it is. If you haven't tried it, you should. You can start off with an easy schedule such as 16/8. That is where you fast 16 hours and have an 8 hour eating window. Intermittent fasting is an easy way to cut back on late night snacking and overeating. I suggest it because it works great.

The weight will come off if you scale back and stop being so strict. You just have to trust the process. You don't want to be miserable while losing weight. You want lifestyle changes that are sustainable in the long run so that you don't gain the weight back eventually.

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