Monday, February 18, 2019

How To Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise

I see this question asked all the time: Can you lose belly fat without exercise?

The short answer is yes, but in today's post I'm also going to explain how you can lose belly fat without exercise. So let's begin.

Green Tea

Green tea has been proven in studies to burn fat, but it specifically targets unhealthy belly fat. Adding 3-5 cups of green tea per day would help you a lot in your goal to reduce belly fat. You don't have to exercise, just drink the tea. I would recommend not adding sugar to your green tea as it adds calories.

While we are talking about drinks, the only things you should be drinking are water and herbal teas or green tea. No sugary drinks if you want to get rid of belly fat. Also, stay away from fake sugars like sucralose. Just because a soda is diet does not make it healthy.

Sugar Reduction

I'm not telling you to completely change your diet, but cutting down on sugar would help a lot with getting rid of the belly fat. Excess sugar contributes to belly fat, so it would make sense that you could lose belly fat by cutting it out.

Try to aim for a healthy whole foods diet. Whole foods are foods that are in their most natural form. So if we are thinking about the example of potatoes, potato chips are a processed version and whole potatoes are the whole food version. The less ingredients a food has, the better. And even better if that food doesn't have a package at all is just one ingredient. For example, the ingredients in a banana you buy at the store are just 'banana'. There are no ingredients. It's just a whole food.

Having more fruits and vegetables in your diet will definitely improve your gut health, which will help you have a flatter stomach.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the best ways to cut down on belly fat. I know this from personal experience. It also helps to reduce bloating and puffiness. Intermittent fasting doesn't have to be hard. You can pick a schedule that works for you. Sometimes you have to experiment to see what will be easiest for you to stick to.

I personally have done OMAD (one meal a day), 18/6, and 19/5 for extended periods of time. There are several other methods though.

For example, there is the 5/2 diet. This is where you fast for 2 non-consecutive days of the week and eat regularly for the other 5 days. From what I've read, people typically lose an average of 4 lbs per month on that diet. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it really is when you consider the fact that all you are doing is changing what time you eat. How quickly you lose weight depends on what intermittent fasting schedule you choose.

So these are my tips for how to lose belly fat without exercise. It's not easy, but losing weight isn't ever easy. It is definitely worth the work though.

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