Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Top 5 Weight Loss Tips

I give many tips and tricks for weight loss on this blog, but I wanted to make a post of my top 5 weight loss tips. This is just to give you an idea of what I've found works best. Out of everything I've recommended on this blog, I have narrowed it down to the 5 most important tips. So here are my top 5 weight loss tips for you.


IF stands for intermittent fasting. If you aren't doing it, then what are you doing? But seriously, I rave about this weight loss method for a reason. It is the only way in my adult life that I've ever been able to achieve what I would consider a nice body and good weight.

Calorie counting alone can get me down to a healthy weight, but it's IF that takes me that next step further to my goal weight, my dream body, the I-wouldn't-mind-wearing-a-bikini body. It's worth a try, and since there are so many different IF schedules, it's easy to pick one that suits you and isn't too hard.

Certain people may not be able to do intermittent fasting because of health conditions and medications, so check with your doctor to make sure IF is safe for you before beginning a program.


ACV is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is probably more effective than any weight loss pill as far as I'm concerned. I've talked before about how you can make a weight loss drink with apple cider vinegar that helps you shed fat without really doing much else besides drinking it before meals. If you follow that link, it will give you a recipe for how to make it.

It's definitely in my top 5 weight loss tips because you literally just have to drink it and you will lose weight. But also there are so many other amazing health benefits that come with drinking apple cider vinegar that everyone should be consuming it daily.

It naturally boosts metabolism, burns fat, and suppresses appetite.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is another drink that I recommend. It's in my top 5 because it's been proven in studies to boost your metabolism even more than green tea. I've drank it myself and honestly it works. I've seen other people online talk about it as well.

And it's not one of those weight loss teas that you see all over instagram that some celeb got paid millions to advertise to you. It's a real weight loss tea from China and it's cheap. I got a box of 100 tea bags for just $5 at a local shop, but it can be purchased online as well if you don't have a store near you that sells it.

Limit Sugar

A lot of people hate this one. I'm sorry, but sugar is the devil. You don't have to eliminate sugar in order to lose weight, but it would help out a lot if you did limit it. I'm not trying to upset anyone here lol. I'm sorry, but this is in my top 5 for a reason. People drop weight so fast when they eliminate added sugars from the diet.

Added sugars are sugars that are not found naturally in a food. So the sugar in a banana is not added sugar, because bananas just naturally have sugar. But the sugar in a Snicker's bar is definitely added sugar.

Stay Active

I focus a lot on diet and supplements but staying active is definitely important. It's even more important if you want a very defined body. My philosophy is find something you love and do it most days of the week. Simple right?

So if you love salsa dancing, then make sure you are doing it 3-5 times per week. If you love tennis, find a tennis buddy and play a few times per week. I just believe in enjoying yourself while being active. It's the best way to go, because people tend to lose more weight in the long run by doing something they love instead of something they hate.

So there goes my top 5. I know most of these tips I've said before at some point on this blog, but I just wanted to organize the top 5 into one post, so that people are aware of what I personally think is most important in a weight loss journey. I hope this helps you in yours.

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