Friday, March 22, 2019

Does The Moon Effect Appetite

In today's post I want to discuss if the moon, particularly the moon phase, effects a person's level of hunger and why.

I began noticing a pattern in my own life. I would get ravenously hungry around the full moon, sometimes ruining all my diet efforts of the month. When you get thrown off for a few days or a week, it's often hard to get back on it. Once that happens, it could ruin the whole diet for you and you have to start over again. But if this happens once a month, it could start an awful cycle of dieting, eating a lot, failing, restarting, etc.

I wanted to get to the bottom of why this was happening. So I decided to do a little research myself and find out if the moon phase may be effecting my hunger. I read some anecdotal reports of other people that have the same issues. They report increases in cravings and hunger right around the time of the full moon.

The Cause of Hunger During a Full Moon

Then I realized I know something about the full moon, and that's that parasites become more active. Almost all of us have parasites, so if that thought alone creeps you out, you may want to stop reading here. Some people don't like to think that they have things inside of them and I get that, but pretending they aren't there doesn't make them go away lol.

For those who aren't scared, parasites live among us. Some believe it's a symbiotic relationship, meaning both parties (you and the parasites) stand to benefit. But there can be cases where the immune system is compromised and the parasites grow and breed to the point where they cause you discomfort and negative symptoms.

Some of those negative symptoms include increased hunger, rashes on the skin, digestive upsets, and fatigue.

Since parasites are active during a full moon, those symptoms may increase at that time, including increased hunger. This could leave you craving everything under the Sun, especially those sugary and carby foods.

What This Means For Weight Loss

Well, it certainly makes losing weight harder when you have these little creatures bothering you to eat extra food. They send signals to your brain and it's pretty hard to resist, especially when we already want to eat food all the time anyway. The way I see it is there are two options: You can try really really hard to ignore them and keep up your diet, or you can do a series of parasite cleanses to get rid of the bulk of them.

The one name that comes to mind when I think of parasite cleanse is Hulda Clark. Here is a really helpful beginner's resource for everything you may need to know about parasites.

A parasite cleanse typically involves the consumption of herbs and foods that make the environment unfavorable for a parasite or out-right kills the parasite. Once the environment isn't fun to be in anymore, they leave.

Once you have gotten parasites under control, you may experience lessened hunger, more energy, and other health benefits depending on how badly they were effecting you. This could be really helpful in your weight loss journey. You don't know how much of your cravings could just be coming from them wanting you to eat more.

To sum up, YES the full moon can make you way more hungry than you normally would be. You are not going crazy. So the next time you are ravenously hungry, check the date.

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