Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How To Lose Weight With Oolong Tea

In this post, I want to discuss oolong tea and how it can be used for weight loss.

What Is Oolong Tea

Oolong tea comes from the same plant as green tea, black tea, and white tea. What determines the type of tea is the stage of the leaves when picked. Oolong tea is between green tea and black tea. It has many health benefits, including boosting the metabolism.

Weight Loss Benefits of Oolong Tea

Oolong tea can help you lose weight by increasing insulin sensitivity. This will keep your appetite under control and increase your body's ability to burn fat. You will be using more of your body fat for energy, which will decrease your body fat percentage. This fat burning is due to the compounds found in the tea leaves.

Oolong tea also boosts your metabolism. That means that it increases your energy expenditure, which can result in weight loss. You will actually feel this effect if you drink oolong tea. I have personally felt it. Your energy will increase and you will sweat more.

Oolong tea can decrease the amount of fat your body absorbs from the food you eat. There are some popular weight loss pills that do the same thing, but they have major side effects. Oolong tea doesn't really have any side effects unless you are sensitive to caffeine.

Other Health Benefits of Oolong Tea

Oolong contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. As such, it gives you many health benefits when you drink it on a regular basis. Some of the health benefits of oolong tea are:

  • Diabetes prevention
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced cholesterol
  • Cancer prevention
  • Brain health
  • Increased bone density
That's a lot of good health benefits from this one tea plant.

How To Use Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

To use oolong tea for weight loss, you will want to drink at least 3 cups per day. Do not add any cream or sugar to the tea. Cream and sugar add calories to the tea, which is counterproductive for weight loss. You will also want to try to get a good quality oolong tea in order to get the most benefits.

I personally like to drink oolong tea when it's hot. It seems to have a more bitter taste when it's cold. It really depends on your personal preference. You may want to try it both ways just to see how you would like it. I would usually drink mine hot and without anything added to it.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, oolong tea may not be the best idea for you. You may want to try some other teas that do not contain caffeine.

How Much Weight Can You Lose With Oolong Tea?

From anecdotal stories online, it's clear that you can lose anywhere from 5 to 15 lbs in a month from drinking oolong tea. Of course, this will vary person to person and depends on a number of things. It depends on your starting weight and your over all general health. It is worth a try. The tea tastes amazing. Some people added exercise to their plan in order to speed up weight loss with oolong tea.

What Brand To Use?

You can find many testimonials online. Most of them were using the Foojoy brand, although any brand of oolong tea will work for weight loss. Some people swear by loose leaf teas, claiming they are healthier and more potent than other types of tea. It is up to you which brand you choose. I personally visited an Asian grocery store to purchase my tea.

You can search for a local Asian grocery store if you don't want to buy tea online. This may be more convenient for you if you are looking to start your weight loss journey right away. You also won't have to pay added money for shipping, so it would be cheaper for you.

How To Speed Up Weight Loss

You can increase the amount of weight you lose with oolong tea by adding in some exercise. Try to do an activity you enjoy for 1 hour 4 times per week. This will increase your metabolism and shed fat even faster than by drinking the tea alone.

It's true that many people have lost weight just by drinking oolong tea, but this is how you lose the weight even faster. You can try biking, walking, or dancing. Any activity that is enjoyable to you will work on this plan. It's not necessary for weight loss, but it does help tremendously.

If you are not used to exercising, walking just 30 minutes a few times per week will help you get more in shape. This is a really good starting point for anyone that hasn't exercised in a long time. You would be amazed at how much fat you can burn just from walking.

Do You Have To Count Calories?

It's not required to count calories while drinking oolong tea for weight loss. You absolutely can if it helps you. Those that tend to binge on junk food may have to lower portions to see any weight loss. If you don't have a problem with over-eating junk food, I wouldn't worry too much about counting calories. Just make sure you are eating reasonably, exercising, and drinking the tea throughout the day.

You can always just add the tea, wait to see if there is any weight loss, and if there isn't enough weight loss then you can start counting calories. Check and see what the tea can do for you by itself first. Then adjust your plan as needed.

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