Friday, June 28, 2019

How I Lost 20 Pounds By Walking

In this post, I will be discussing how I lost 20 pounds just by walking. I didn't do anything else such as changing my diet. All I did was add walking to my life. So let's get started.

Do You Need Special Equipment?

I didn't use any special equipment at all. Some people like to spruce up their walking by adding small dumbbells, a waist trainer, or doing lunges during their walk.

I didn't do any of that stuff. All I did was walk. I didn't even buy new shoes or exercise clothes, although it may benefit you to buy some new running shoes if your current ones are worn out.

I really invested no money in it at all. I wore clothing that I already had, shoes I already owned, and no extra equipment.

How Often Did You Walk?

Every single day of the week.

The only times I would skip a day is if it rained non-stop to the point where there was no way that I could walk, because I always walked outside. I didn't have a way to walk indoors.

For those who have a treadmill, rain shouldn't be an issue. You could easily walk every day.

I made time for walking, even on the busiest days. I made sure that even if I was tired, I still walked. You gotta commit to it if you want to get anything out of it.

Did You Change Your Diet?

My diet stayed the same as it was before. All I did was start walking. At one point, I began actually eating an extra snack during the day, but that didn't cause me to gain weight at all. I continued losing.

I didn't do any other exercises for the most part. There were a few times that I tried something different, but I didn't like it so I just went back to walking.

How Long Did You Walk?

I walked for 30 minutes every time, but 30 minutes is not a magic number. I just picked it because it felt right. You could walk for 45 minutes or an hour if you feel like you need a little more.

You can also start out with 20 minutes and work your way up if you want to. For some people, 30 minutes may be too hard especially if you are not used to any extra activity. Some people may only be able to do 10 minutes at first.

Go at your own pace and increase the time as you are able to.

How Long Did It Take To Lose The Weight?

The first 15 pounds came off pretty quickly, within 3 months. The other 5 pounds was a lot slower. It took about a year to lose that.

I believe the last 5 pounds took so long because I was already skinny as it was. As everyone says the last 5-10 pounds is hard to get off and that's very true.

The reason is because as you lose weight, your metabolism decreases because you weigh less. Smaller people need less food. So since your metabolism decreased, it takes longer to get the weight off unless you do something drastic.

In my case, I wasn't doing anything drastic at all. I was just walking for weight loss. It was simple, easy, and fit into my schedule.

I believe that anyone can lose weight with walking as long as they are doing it every day and staying consistent. I hope this article inspires you to get out there and start walking.

Bringing a friend can help you not be as bored. Walking can get boring without someone to talk to. You can also bring a dog, but bear in mind that some dogs can't handle all of that activity and it wears them down. High energy dogs are the best ones to take walking with you.

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