Thursday, June 27, 2019

4 Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

It's easy to make mistakes when trying to lose weight. I've been there, done that, actually a few times. I'm going to be talking about common weight loss mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Condiments Have Calories

If you are counting calories, but you don't check the calories in condiments, you are making a huge mistake. Ranch dressing could easily put you over your daily limit. Ketchup has calories too, as well as mayonnaise. Start looking.

You should measure out your condiments and make sure that they fit into your daily calorie limit. You will start to notice that some condiments have a lot less calories than others. Checking the calories will teach you which ones have higher calories, so in the future you will know to limit those.

Hard Exercise

A pretty big mistake that many people make is starting an exercise routine that they absolutely hate. Why is this a mistake?

Well statistics show that when you hate your workout, you are more likely to quit doing it sooner rather than later. Why would you want to spend your free time doing something you hate?

Those that enjoy their exercise routine actually end up losing more weight. That is because they keep it up in the long term.

So try out salsa dancing, tennis, swimming, and walking the dog. Do something fun that you like doing at least 4 times per week. It's as simple as that.

Diet Coke

Look, there are arguments about diet coke on both sides. I'm not here to argue with anyone, but I just don't believe in diet coke for weight loss. Studies are mixed on the possible negative effects. My advice is to just stay away from it.

You don't need it. It perpetuates an addiction to caffeine, which you could knock out by eliminating it. Drink water instead, and dress up your water so that it tastes better. Then, maybe, you won't want that diet coke anymore.

Cutting diet coke could possibly get rid of some of your food cravings. How about that?

Cutting Out Fat

So, we see this a lot in the diet community. They want to go on these low fat diets. I don't believe fat is the biggest problem to look at when it comes to the food we eat. The real problem is sugar.

Sugar is in everything. If you really want to cut some weight, then cut out sugar from your diet completely.

There are certain kinds of fats that you should avoid, but there are also many good fats. When you go on a low fat diet, you cut out both the good and bad fats. We need certain fats in order to have a good functioning body. That's why they are called "essential fatty acids".

These are healthy fats like omega 3, which can reduce inflammation in the body.

So these are the weight loss mistakes that I encourage you to avoid. I hope this article has helped someone out there.

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