Monday, December 9, 2019

December Weight Loss Challenge

It's December and that means lots of temptations. There will be pies, sugar cookies, and lots of really bad stuff. I am a firm believer that you should allow yourself treats here and there if you are staying good on your diet 90% of the time. You need a little breathing room. But let's make sure not to over-do anything.

I have a weight loss challenge for my readers. I challenge you to stick to the following rules in December and I will try my best to do the same:

  • 8 cups of water per day
  • 30 minutes exercise per day (you choose what to do)
  • No refined/added sugars 90% of the time (to allow time to eat with family)
  • Absolutely no drinks other than water
  • Stick to a calorie goal 90% of the time

The 8 cups of water is self explanatory. We all need water to help keep our bodies functioning.

I want you to do 30 minutes of exercise every day. You should pick something you enjoy. Don't go hard every day and punish yourself. You will only increase your chance of injury. You can be tough on yourself half of the time, but the other half you should choose gentle walking, yoga, and low impact exercise. Focus on self care and give those muscles rest when needed.

No refined/added sugars 90% of the time. I chose 90% because I'm not trying to punish anyone. If you can make it 100% of the time, that's great but if you want to indulge in some holiday sweets, you can. Remember that refined and added sugars are different from natural sugars. Some natural sugars include stevia, fruit sugar, and raw honey. You are allowed natural sugars.

Do not drink anything other than water. No alcohol, no soft drinks, nothing but water.

Everyone has a target amount of calories they should be consuming for weight loss each day. Most women lost weight at 1500 calories, most men lose weight at 1800 calories. There are exceptions to this rule. I am actually an exception as I do not lose weight at 1500 calories. I have to restrict to 1200 to lose any amount of weight. You need to use this online calculator to find your ideal calorie goal.

So that's the weight loss challenge I have for you. I hope you do well with it.

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