Have you ever known someone who was just naturally skinny? Yeah, we all have that friend that seems to eat whatever they want and just stays super skinny no matter what. In this article, we will be discussing what goes on behind closed doors. How do these people stay so skinny?
1. They move around a lot. They seem to have limitless energy. They are always ready to go and do something active. They very rarely get fatigued. You may notice they fidget a lot if they are sitting still. These people just can't seem to sit still for long, in fact. All this moving around actually helps them burn more calories all day long.
2. They eat when they are truly hungry. These people don't tend to eat because they are sad or bored or lonely. They eat because their body is giving them signals that they are hungry and need to eat. Eating only when you are hungry ensures that you don't gain any extra weight.
3. They stop eating when they are full. These people tend to not gorge themselves with food. You may see them eat a large amount on occasion, but they often wait hours and hours to eat again (when they are hungry again). This gives their body time to burn off the extra food they eat sometimes. It's not like they are waiting to eat on purpose though. They tend to not even think about what they are doing. They just listen to their body's cues of when to eat and when to stop eating.
4. They don't restrict food types. People who are naturally skinny tend to not think about food in terms of "bad" and "good". They just eat whatever they feel like eating. Sometimes that is a big healthy salad and other times that might be a donut for breakfast. If you truly listen to what your body tells you, it will crave all kinds of food, even healthy food. These skinny girls don't see bad foods. They just see fuel for their body.
5. They poop regularly. Their body is running efficiently and they are pretty "regular". They tend to get enough nutrients and fiber in their diet to help them go to the bathroom. They also burn off their food with all the extra activity they do throughout the day. Again, this is not something they force or make happen. It's just a natural thing that happens when you treat your body right.
If you want to get the same weight loss benefits as them, you can start by listening to your body. Before you eat anything, ask yourself if you are truly hungry. Is your stomach rumbling? Or are you just bored and craving salty or sweet foods?
Instead of gorging yourself, listen to your body and stop when you are full. You can always eat again later. The food isn't going anywhere. Try not to restrict food types, but make sure you get a variety of different foods on your plate. This will help you with #5 because you will be getting tons of fiber in your diet.
If you find yourself sitting at a desk or laying in bed for too long, get up and go for a small walk. If you do all of these things, you will see the weight come off and people will start asking you how you did it.
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