Monday, January 27, 2020

How To Reduce Calories For Weight Loss

Calorie counting is one of the top methods used by people to lose weight. In this post, we will be discussing small ways that you can reduce your caloric intake. Small changes lead to big results and that's what we are focusing on in this post.

Switch To Low Calorie Drinks

One place where you can start is by looking at the things you drink all day. Do you drink sodas that are filled with sugar and carbs? Do you drink coffee with cream and sugar? It's time to switch these items out for lower calorie alternatives. You can easily cut your calories by 500 per day just by changing what you drink.

I personally like to only drink water. I understand that some people are very much addicted to fizzy drinks and caffeine, so only drinking water may not be an option for you. If you love soda and just can't go without it, try Zevia. Zevia is soda that is sweetened naturally with stevia. You can get your soda fix without feeling guilty and save some calories while you're at it.

If you absolutely have to have coffee, try using powdered stevia instead of granulated sugar as a sweetener. As for cream, you could try a splash of unsweetened almond milk. It has very few calories and will give you the same creamy goodness that you love.

Snack Better

Too much snacking on certain foods can really help you rack up the calories. Excess snacking could be the reason you are unable to lose weight. It's so easy to grab a bag of chips and eat 4 servings before you even realize it. That's enough to throw your diet off.

Choosing fruit and vegetables for snacks can help you take in fewer calories. These foods provide nutrients and fiber which will fill you up, and they have less calories than chips and cookies. Of course, they don't taste as good and are definitely not as appealing.

If you really can't let go of the chips and other high calorie snacks, make a rule that you can only eat one serving at a time. Actually measure out the serving and only eat that amount.

To help prevent a diet derail, you can plan out cheat days where you get to snack and eat all you want. Don't have them too often though, or it will defeat the purpose. If you tell yourself, "Just wait until the cheat day," all the strict rules become a little bit more bearable.

Meal Replacement

A popular way for dieters to reduce calories is to replace 1 meal per day with a meal replacement shake or bar. These are shakes that have lots of vitamins and nutrients. You will be replacing the whole meal with a shake or bar, so make sure you don't eat anything extra for that meal. You can replace any meal you want to. Most people replace breakfast, but it's whatever works best for you.

Stores online and in your area provide many different options for shakes and bars that taste great.


One area that people don't often think about is condiments. These are your dipping sauces that you use throughout the day to make your food taste better such as mustard, mayo, ketchup, salad dressing, etc.

A good rule is to get rid of the creamy and cheesy condiments. Only use condiments that are lower calorie. Salsa is a great low calorie option. Vinegarettes are good for your salads. Ketchup and BBQ are lower calorie than ranch as a dipping sauce. Check the calories of your sauces and be mindful of how much you are eating.

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