Thursday, January 23, 2020

7 Day Abs Workout Challenge

Abs are very much coveted in the fitness world and everyone wants them. They say abs are made in the kitchen, and that is true, but you can also do some exercises to help tone and flatten your stomach. If you want a flatter stomach, I have created a 7 day abs challenge that can help you reach that goal.

The following is my 7 day abs workout challenge that will flatten your stomach and tighten your ab muscles. This works the upper, lower, and middle abs so that you can get a smaller waist line.

It starts out easy with just 10 of each exercise and increases gradually over the week. At the end of the week, you will be able to do 30 of each exercise. This builds up your strength and endurance, and gives you a flatter stomach as well.

You should notice small changes at the end of the week. Your stomach may be flatter and pants may be more loose around the midsection. If you want even bigger changes, you should continue for at least 6 weeks.

I assume everyone knows what crunches and sit ups are, but if you need a refresher on proper form, use Youtube as a guide. There are many videos available that can show you those two exercises and how to do them both properly and safely.

Swimmers may not be as common as the other two exercises, so I'm going to explain a bit about that. Swimmers target your lower belly "pooch" area. You should lay flat on your back and place your hands underneath your butt. Lift one leg at a time and alternate legs. You will look like you are kicking your feet, or swimming. Some people call them flutter kicks.

If you need to see a visual representation of this exercise, check out this video.

I hope you find good results with this abs challenge. If nothing else, I hope your stomach is just a little bit flatter than before.

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