Sunday, February 24, 2019

How To Jumpstart Weight Loss

Today I want to talk about how you can jump-start a weight loss program. When I think about jump-starting weight loss, I think about priming myself to lose as much as I can in the beginning and helping myself be successful throughout the program. So I'm going to give my personal tips of how to jump-start weight loss.

Water Intake

Most people are not drinking enough water. You need eight 8 ounce glasses of pure water per day. If you aren't drinking that much, then it's time to increase your water intake. And please do not put those flavor packs with sucralose and fake sugars into your water. Excuse the side rant, but those need to go.

Even low levels of dehydration can impair weight loss and detox. So you need this water in order to prime yourself to lose weight. It won't make you gain weight, trust me. Your body will thank you for this.

Detox Tea

I believe detoxing before a weight loss program is so important. There are toxins everywhere and in everything, but we can lower our amount of toxins by eating organic produce and taking detox tea.

Detox tea is often made of several herbs that work together to help your body expel unnecessary toxins. We are not just talking about a tea that sends you to the bathroom to go #2. A true detox tea will aid in toxin elimination all over the body, not just make you poo.

I personally like Yogi brand detox teas, but you are free to choose the one you want. Just make sure you pick an herbal tea that is specifically for detox. It will probably have dandelion root, ginger, and various other herbs that help with detox listed in the ingredients.

Lower Calories

In order to jump-start weight loss, you want to lower your caloric intake drastically early on. You can add back in some calories after the initial phase is over, but we are trying to dump a lot of weight, especially water weight, rather quickly. That's why it's called a "jump-start."

The standard lowest amount of calories for a woman is 1,200 and for a man it's 1,500. This may vary due to your height. Some very short women maintain at 1,200 calories, so that's why it's good to check for yourself.

Lowering your calories to jump-start weight loss will help your body burn lots of fat quickly. Within a few days, you could lose 5-10 lbs just by doing all the things mentioned here, because your body is getting rid of water, toxins, and fat.

So, these are my tips for how to jump-start a weight loss program. I hope you found it helpful.

Bonus Tip

My bonus tip for jump-starting weight loss is to drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning. I mean DO NOT let 30 minutes go by before you drink a glass of warm lemon water. It's super important that you do this first thing in the morning and make sure it's lukewarm, not hot or cold.

This is a great way to detox and increase weight loss.

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