Friday, February 22, 2019

How To Make Water Taste Better

Increasing your water intake is important when it comes to weight loss. Today I want to give you some tips on how you can make your water taste better without adding calories or fake sugars to your water. So let's begin.

Infused water

Infused water is when you add fruit or herbs (or both) to your water. This gives the water flavor. You could add some frozen berries to the water instead of ice cubes. It will make the water cold while also giving it a slight berry flavor. You could put some cucumber slices in the water and add mint leaves. It really just depends on what flavors you want in the water.

This is a great way to add flavor while not adding calories. I personally have tried water with mixed frozen berries and it tastes pretty good. You can definitely taste the berries in there. There are many different infused water recipes out there that you can try until you find one that you like.

True Lemon

Okay, this isn't sponsored, but I'm going to mention a product called True Lemon because it's an easy and convenient way of getting lemon juice in your water. It also has no calories. This could be perfect for those who need to take it on the go and just want a small packet to empty into a water bottle.

If you don't want lemon, you can also choose lime or orange flavors. I've tried the lemon and lime and can vouch for those. You just empty it into a water bottle and shake.

Lemon Juice

You can also just use actual lemon juice. I'm not against that at all. Lemon juice is great for detox, so there are extra benefits to adding it to your water. If you add stevia to the lemon water it pretty much tastes like a lemonade, but without the calories. This is a great way to stave off hunger when you are cutting calories.

Flavor Packs

There are of course already made flavor packs that you can buy. There are tons of flavors-almost any flavor you could imagine and they taste great. I've found cherry, watermelon, blackberry, limeade, strawberry lemonade, and tons of other flavors.

I do want to add that most of these low calorie flavor packs have fake sugars, so if you are against consuming those then try to find the ones that use stevia instead.

You may have to do some hunting to find them, depending on what your store carries. I have found a few flavors that only use stevia and I really like them.

These flavor packs are made so that you just open the pack, pour it into a water bottle and shake it up. Alternatively, you can just pour it into a glass of water and stir. It works just fine both ways. Most people like these because they are very convenient to use.

So these are my tips for how to make water taste better. I hope some of these tips help you. This is a good replacement for soda and other drinks.

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