Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Lemon Water For Weight Loss: What You Need To Know

Lemon water is served with your dinner any time you go to a restaurant, but did you know that consuming lemon water regularly at certain times of the day increase weight loss? I'm going to explain how you can increase weight loss using lemon water.

Lemon Water Benefits

Lemon water is said to aid in digestion. It helps you absorb even more nutrients from foods. On an empty stomach first thing in the morning, lemon water has the ability to cleanse the digestive system. It quickly flushes out toxins and aid in healthy and regular bowel movements.

Lemon water also boosts the metabolism. The antioxidants in the lemon water help with anti-aging. Lemon water contains vitamins and minerals which boost the immune system and helps with cellular processes.

Lemon water first thing in the morning helps with cleansing and detoxing, while lemon water before meals helps you become more full.

It is well documented that increasing water intake will help you lose significantly more weight.

How To Make Lemon Water

It's as simple as taking a lemon, getting all the juice out of the lemon, and pouring it into a glass of water. Stir it up a little bit and it's ready to drink.

If you are consuming the lemon water first thing in the morning, warming the water up a little bit is great. I don't mean make it so hot that it's hard to drink. We are talking more like a lukewarm temperature. This allows your body to assimilate the lemon water much better for the cleansing process.

Fresh squeezed lemon juice is always going to be the best lemon juice to use for your lemon water. The lemon juice in the bottle or powder forms are just not as fresh. Fresh lemon juice contains water from the lemon which is really good for your body. It hydrates you so much more and contains enzymes.

Also do not add any sweeteners to your lemon water, except for maybe stevia extract. Sweeteners add extra calories and may offset some of the weight loss from drinking the lemon water in the first place. We wouldn't want to do that, so get used to drinking your lemon water plain.

If you have troublesome teeth, consider drinking your lemon water with a straw to help prevent tooth damage. Lemon water is acidic and may cause you issues with sensitivity if you are prone to dental problems.

When To Drink Lemon Water

For a detoxing and cleansing effect, drink a glass of warm lemon water as soon as you wake up. Try your best to drink it within 30 minutes of waking up. This is said to be great for the liver and digestive system.

Also, to lose more weight, drink a glass of lemon water before every meal. You need to finish the whole glass before you start eating the meal. Drink it about 20 minutes prior to eating and this will increase the weight loss effects.

If you are looking for more weight loss drink tips, be sure to check out my other posts about it:
Homemade Weight Loss Drink
Weight Loss Tea For Morning

So I hope this post helped inspire you to use lemon water as a part of your weight loss routine.

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