Monday, March 4, 2019

How Much Water Do You Need For Weight Loss

It's no secret that water helps with weight loss, but how much water do you need for weight loss? We will explore this question today so that we know how much water to drink for weight loss.

How Water Helps With Weight Loss

Water is essential for weight loss. Drinking more water increases the amount of calories your body burns. So drinking water actually increases your metabolism without you doing anything different. It can be an absolute essential to your weight loss routine. What can be more easy than drinking water to lose weight?

Drinking more water leads to:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Appetite suppression
  • Weight loss

In this study, overweight women lost weight just by increasing how much water they drank each day. They didn't change their diet or add any new exercises or other changes. All they did was increase the amount of water they consumed. It has actually been proven in several studies that drinking more water leads to an increased metabolism.

So as you can tell, if you are on a weight loss journey, getting plenty of water is super important.

How Much Water Do You Need?

There are a few ways to calculate this, because experts tend to be in disagreement about how much water a person needs.

There is the blanket statement of eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day, but this is just a general rule. This would be 64 ounces in total. You may need more if you sweat a lot or weigh more than average.

A more accurate way of gauging how much water you need per day is to half your weight and drink that amount in ounces. So if you weigh 150 lbs, take half which is 75. So you would drink 75 ounces of water per day, which is more than the 64 ounce recommendation.

It really is left up to the individual, since experts are not in agreement. All we really know is that too little water can cause dehydration and too much water can cause electrolyte imbalance, which could lead to health complications. You don't want either of those situations to occur, so drinking enough water is essential to maintain good health and a healthy metabolism.

Any food you eat that contains water also counts toward how much water you are taking in.

If You Don't Like The Taste of Water

I've heard many people say "water is gross" or "I hate the taste of water" and to this I say add something to it.

If you are trying to lose weight, it would be best that you don't add any calories to your water, but you can make your water taste better without calories. You can add lemon juice, cucumber slices, frozen berries, mint sprigs, or a number of natural ingredients to your water to give it a little flavor.

I personally like to add lemon juice or lime juice with a stevia packet to my water from time to time. I also like to put a pinch of pink Himalayan salt to my water if I feel like I need the extra minerals and want the slightly salty taste. This is a personal preference. Whatever you have to do to make the water taste good is fine, as long as it is healthy and not full of chemicals.

I actually have a whole post written about how to make water taste better.

There Is a Such Thing As Too Much Water

Do your best not to go overboard when it comes to water. I know you want to lose weight, but there is a such thing as too much water. Make sure you are following expert guidelines and measure your water to be sure of how much you are getting. If you feel like you are drinking too much water, it's okay to back off and let your body re-calibrate.

Increasing your water intake is important for weight loss. It's also important to know just how much water you need for weight loss. Hopefully this article cleared that up for you.

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