Saturday, March 16, 2019

How Much Weight Can You Lose If You Cut Out Sugar?

Could you follow a diet with 1 rule only? That's the question I'm asking you today. Because if you can follow 1 rule, you can lose all the extra weight from your body. That one rule is to cut out sugar.

Now, this is a hard thing to do. Most people are addicted to sugar, and sugar is in almost all food. It's even in foods that aren't sweet. Just go into your kitchen and start reading nutrition labels. You will be shocked to see how much sugar is added to all foods.

How To Get Rid Of Sugar

One of the easiest ways to get rid of sugar is to just stop eating processed foods. Processed foods are foods that can be found in boxes, cans, and packages at the store. They tend to have added preservatives, sugar, and all kinds of other unwanted things in them.

This is a pretty extreme way to go if you are used to eating basically whatever you want to eat. If you have food addictions, you may need to take an easier approach to cutting out sugar. That's where this next method comes in.

1 Gram or Less

If you need help eliminating sugar, go by the "1 gram or less" rule. If a food has 1 gram or less of sugar per serving, you are allowed to eat that food. So you can have oatmeal, some breads, and things that are processed, but you are still cutting way back on your sugar intake.

This will help you lose weight if you are a sugar addict. But it will be hard. You will miss sugar at first. Over time that addiction will quiet down. If you go long enough, then some of your favorite sweets will taste way too sweet for you. You won't even want to eat more than a bite or two of items that you used to binge on. Trust me, all of this is possible if you gain control over your sugar intake. You can see these types of benefits within a week of quitting sugar.

Are Natural Sugars Okay?

Natural sugars are those found naturally in foods. Fruits contain natural sugar. There are some natural sugars in the form of coconut sugar that you can buy by the pound. Honey is a natural sugar. But are those sugars okay on this diet?

I believe that fruits are okay, but the others should be eliminated. That is because it's easy for someone with an addiction to overdo it with honey or coconut sugar. You have to be careful with these things. The weight loss won't happen if you are having all these sugars.

Alternative Sweeteners

There are alternative sweeteners on the market. These are lab created sweeteners such as sucralose. They can be found in low calorie drink mixes and diet cokes. I don't believe these sweeteners have been studied enough to know how they effect the body. There is conflicting information out there. Some studies say they are fine, some say they cause health problems. You also have to look at who funded the study. So my advice is to stay away from these fake sugars if you want to lose weight.

How Much Weight Can You Lose By Reducing Sugar?

Here is a story about a man who lost over 150 lbs from cutting out sugar. He also added in exercising as well. However, you will lose weight even without exercise on this diet. I personally know someone who dropped 50 lbs on this diet following the "1 gram or less" rule. It can be done.

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