Monday, March 18, 2019

How To Lose 20 lbs Fast: The Right Way

In this post I want to explain how you can lose 20 lbs. Many people want to lose 20 lbs for weddings, class reunions, and other events. You may be embarrassed about some recent weight gain and want to look better. Here are some tips for you to lose the extra weight.

What Is 20 lbs?

According to science, 20 lbs of fat is equal to 70,000 calories. Over the course of time, you have consumed 70,000 calories more than you should have been consuming, resulting in weight gain. When you overeat, your body will store the extra food as fat on your body. So in order to lose 20 lbs, you must burn 70,000 calories.

Calorie Restriction

One way to burn calories is to eat under your maintenance calories for the day. You would calculate how many calories your body needs per day, then eat 500 less calories per day. If you eat 500 less calories per day, it will result in 1 lb lost per week.

If you need help calculating how many calories you burn in a day, use this handy calculator. Once you know how many calories you burn each day, you can construct a weight loss plan. That calculator gives you suggestions of how many calories to eat per day in order to lose weight.

When you are counting calories, make sure you don't forget to count drinks and condiments such as ketchup, ranch dressing, and mustard, etc. Many people forget that those items have calories and those calories do add up.


Another way you can lose 20 lbs is to exercise more. Exercise burns extra calories during the activity. Some exercises burn extra calories for hours after the activity as well. This will help your body burn more fat throughout the day. Try to exercise at least 3 or 4 days per week.

Different exercises have different benefits. It's important to pick an activity that you enjoy. Yoga, weight lifting, swimming, biking, and dancing are all good choices. Joining a local weight loss class can give you even more motivation to push yourself during a workout.

Weight Loss Hacks

Some weight loss hacks work and some do not. Many people are just trying to sell you something so be careful. There are a few weight loss hacks that I know of to speed up weight loss. You can read those articles here:
How To Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar
What Is The 5:2 Diet And How To Do It
Weight Loss Tea For Morning: 4 Fat Burning Teas

How Long Will It Take To Lose 20 lbs?

If you lower your calories, increase your exercise, and use a couple of the weight loss hacks I mentioned, you should be able to drop somewhere around 8-12 lbs per month. That would mean it takes 1.5 to 2.5 months. This is just an average and it depends on many factors, so be mindful of that. It could take you more or less time, depending on a number of things.

If These Tips Don't Work

If these tips don't work, consider that you may have a health condition halting your weight loss efforts. Low thyroid, blood sugar problems, and hormonal imbalances may be playing a role in your difficulty with weight. Contact your doctor and discuss your concerns. Have yourself tested for possible health conditions that would make weight loss harder.

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