Friday, March 8, 2019

Which Green Tea Is Best For Weight Loss?

You may have heard that green tea is great for weight loss. In this post, I want to explain how to lose weight with green tea and which green tea is best for weight loss. But first, let's talk about the weight loss benefits of green tea.

Green Tea Weight Loss Benefits

Green tea is used for weight loss for a number of reasons. The weight loss benefits of green tea include:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Less belly fat
  • Appetite suppression
  • Less fat absorption
All of these benefits combined lead to weight loss in those who drink green tea daily.

That is pretty much everything you could want in a weight loss tea. These benefits are proven by studies, which is why green tea is so popular today. It's one of the only weight loss teas that has so many studies to back it's benefits.

So how much of a metabolism boost can you expect from green tea? The research suggests there is a 4% boost per day in metabolism. Since green tea targets belly fat, it will help you get a better figure.

How Much Green Tea Should I Drink?

In this study, four cups of green tea per day resulted in weight loss, less belly fat, and decreased blood pressure. The other groups in the study that were not drinking green tea did not see those benefits. Many experts suggest having between 3 to 5 cups of green tea per day in order to receive weight loss benefits from it. Having one cup of green tea before each major meal of the day is a good idea.

Green Tea Weight Loss Tips

To lose even more weight from green tea, it would be best to drink the tea before your meals. This will increase the appetite suppression effects of the green tea. You should also not add any cream, sugar, or extra calories to your green tea. Drinking it plain is best, as you don't want to add calories and offset any of the weight loss. Also, loose leaf teas are higher quality so if you can get a hold of some loose leaf green tea, you will experience greater effects.

Green tea can also be taken in capsule form as green tea extract. This is also effective at helping you lose weight, although there are dental benefits to consuming it in tea form. We also have no way of verifying the contents of dietary supplements.

Exercising and consuming green tea show even more benefits. You will get more results from a workout if you are taking green tea as well. However, exercise is not required for losing weight with green tea.

Green Tea Extract

As stated, green tea can also be purchased as a supplement. These are capsules which contain green tea extract. These extracts contain the antioxidant EGCG, which is the cause of most of the health and weight loss benefits from green tea. In order to receive benefits, you will want to consume a product that has at least 500 mg of EGCG per day. This will give you the weight loss benefits that you hear about.

I suggest taking it daily with a glass of water. Follow the instructions on the bottle for best results.

This concludes this post about how to lose weight with green tea. I hope it was informative for you and I wish you luck.

Which Green Tea Is Best For Weight Loss?

The green tea with the most antioxidants per cup is matcha green tea. Matcha green tea is equal to about 10 cups of regular brewed green tea. It comes in a powder which mixes very smoothly with water. Many people like to put match green tea powder in their morning smoothies or yogurt for a weight loss boost.

The next best green tea is loose leaf green tea. You can buy loose leaf green tea online. You have to brew it by placing the tea leaves in a tea ball and infusing it in a cup of hot water.

And last, but not least, we have regular old green tea that you can buy at the grocery store. It comes in tea bags and you just place the tea bag in a cup of hot water to steep. Even though this type of green tea isn't as effective for weight loss as other types, it will still bring you many benefits and it's conveniently located in a store near you.

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