Sunday, March 10, 2019

Weight Loss Tips For Busy People

In this post, I want to discuss what busy people can do to lose weight. You are never too busy to lose weight. So many people make that excuse, but everyone has time for weight loss.

I believe this because you don't necessarily have to exercise in order to lose weight. A large percentage of weight loss is about what goes into your mouth, or what doesn't go into your mouth. It's fine if you have time to exercise and make trips to the gym, but when you don't have that extra time, it's important to focus more on diet.


Keep a bottle of water with you at all times. You can buy a reusable bottle of water so that you aren't using so much plastic. This is so you won't be tempted to buy sodas and other drinks. It's convenient and helps you get your daily water for weight loss.

Make it a point to not put any calorie filled liquids into your mouth. Only drink water. If you need to get some little flavor packs, go ahead and do that.

As far as coffee goes, I'm not going to tell you to give up your coffee. Most people that drink it are addicted anyway and can't really let go of it. But do try to limit yourself. What we are trying to do is cut back on the caloric intake so that you can lose weight since you are too busy to exercise.

Meal Prep

A great way to stay on track with calories is to meal prep. This makes it so you aren't cooking all week. You basically pick a day when you aren't too busy and do all your cooking on that day. Then you pack the food into pre-portioned bowls and freeze them. You can take the food out as you need it throughout the week.

This can be a lot of work, but if you are only doing it one day per week, it's not as bad as having to cook every day.

Another option is to find food items at restaurants that are within your calorie limit and choose those options. It will cost more, but at least you don't have to cook everything yourself.

Calorie Count Apps

There are a number of apps out there that help you track your calories for weight loss. These are good to use on the go because a lot of times they will have a scanner where you can scan the barcode on your food and it will enter your calories for you.

People that don't really have the time to count calories can do so much easier with the use of one of these apps. One of the most popular apps for this is My Fitness Pal.


I talk a lot about intermittent fasting on this blog, but it truly is one of the most easy and effective ways to lose weight. If you don't have much time, surely you have time to do intermittent fasting. At first, it's not very easy and you will experience hunger. But over time you will get more used to it and actually enjoy it. And the results that can be achieved from IF are superior to most other weight loss methods.

You can also download apps to make intermittent fasting easier. You just search for the apps and pick the one that looks best to you.

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