Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Toxins Might Be Making You Fat

Toxins are everywhere. You are always ingesting them in the food, water, and air that you breathe. But did you realize that toxins could be a huge reason for why it's hard to lose weight? I'm going to explain how toxins make you fat and how you can detox and lose weight.

How Toxins Make You Fat

When your body gets inundated with toxins, it will often store it in your fat cells. This is to get it out the bloodstream and protect you from harm. This also makes it hard for you to lose weight. If your body knows it will need the fat in order to store toxins, it is more likely to hold onto that fat. And if your fat is saturated with toxins, it is less likely to burn the fat.

So what can you do to remedy this? Help your body detox.

What Is Detoxing?

Contrary to popular belief, detoxing is not pooping a lot. I know that's what most people think, because you see lots of products claiming to be detox cleanses and they make you poop. A lot. But actually pooping is only one way to release toxins.

Your body also releases toxins through urinating, breathing, and sweating. So the question is how can you help your body to detox more?

Supportive Herbs

There are herbs that support your detoxification pathways. They help move stagnant lymph, purify the blood, and escort toxins out of the body. You can find herbal detox teas and other herbal detox products. I like the Yogi brand detox teas myself, but there are many other products out there.

A few of the herbs to look for in a detox product are dandelion, sarsaparilla, and burdock root. Look for good quality supplements.


Saunas are great for detoxing. A lot of times you can get access to a sauna if you have a gym membership. You can also buy a sauna to have at home. There are some amazing and affordable saunas. I personally have not used saunas as much as I would like, but I have been in them a few times.

Make sure when you get done with the sauna that you wash off all that nasty toxic sweat before it gets reabsorbed into the body. Many saunas will have showers you can use.

Epsom Salt Baths

Taking Epsom salt baths are great for detoxing. Your body will absorb the magnesium through the warm water. Be sure to stay in the Epsom salt bath for at least 20 minutes. Make the water as warm as you can stand it without overdoing it.

Some people will add a few drops of essential oils to their bath as well for even more therapeutic benefits. Lemon essential oil is good for supporting detoxification.


Massage can help bring blood flow to areas of the body that need it and it also moves stagnant lymph. Your lymphatic system is a major way that the body detoxes, so anything you can do to support the lymphatic systems helps so much. Massage, dry brushing, and rebounding are all ways you can help move your lymph.

I hope you liked these tips for how you can detox and lose weight.

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