Thursday, April 11, 2019

How To Suppress Hunger And Lose Weight

I have combined all of my appetite decreasing tips into one post right here. In this post I will teach you how to suppress hunger so that you can lose weight.

Oftentimes when we try to diet, we end up ravenously hungry. This can ruin our entire weight loss plan, because we end up binging on all the foods we crave. I have been there a time or two and I know it's hard to keep up with your diet when you have nagging hunger all the time. These tips will help you suppress hunger.


Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Studies have proven that if you drink a full glass of water before each and every meal, you will increase your weight loss. The participants of the study lost 44% more weight just from adopting this one easy trick.

All you have to do is pour yourself a glass of water and be sure to drink all of it right before eating each main meal of the day. It would be a good idea to begin drinking about 20 minutes before you eat, just to give yourself enough time to drink the glass of water comfortably.

This will help you consume less calories, because you will feel more full and be less hungry. Plain water curb your appetite successfully without anything added to it. But, there are some things you can add to your water in order to speed up your weight loss further, such as apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural appetite suppressant. Adding 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your water twice per day will curb your appetite even further. This is due to the fact that apple cider vinegar helps to keep blood sugar stable, therefore reducing your cravings for calorie dense foods. But that's not the only way apple cider vinegar suppresses hunger.

Apple cider vinegar actually decreases your appetite by telling your brain that you aren't as hungry as you think. Studies prove that apple cider vinegar has an effect on appetite.

Yes, it may not taste the best but you do get used to it over time. Diluting it with water is preferred, and make sure that you drink it through a straw. You wouldn't want apple cider vinegar touching your teeth and possibly causing dental problems.


While your at it, why not add a splash of cinnamon to your apple cider vinegar water? It will also work in decreasing your appetite. Cinnamon works by increasing your insulin sensitivity which can have many effects on weight loss. It effectively reduces cravings, especially for sugary foods.

Add cinnamon to your foods or drinks, or you can get a cinnamon supplement to help you increase your intake of cinnamon.

Hibiscus Tea Appetite Control

Hibiscus tea will decrease your appetite. Hibiscus tea is a sour tea that has been used for weight loss for many years. It works very well for those who eat under lots of stress. If you are a stress eater and tend to grab a bag of donuts during times when you are stressed, use hibiscus tea instead. It will lower stress hormones, therefore reducing your cravings for sweets.

Increase Nutrients

When you are eating foods that are nutrient dense, you will be fuller for longer and you will have less cravings for foods. That is because you are giving your body what it needs the most.

Think about it. Why does our body need food in the first place? It needs vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in food in order to give us energy, repair and rebuild our bodies, and keep vital functions going. We eat so that we can live healthy lives.

As long as you are giving your body a bunch of junk food, you are not giving it the nutrients that it truly needs. It will keep letting you know by sending signals making you hungry for certain foods. This will cause you to eat more. All you really need to do is make sure you are giving your body adequate nutrition.


Fiber helps curb your appetite. You should be eating fiber rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. If you are unsure of how much fiber is in a certain food, look at the nutrition label. You will find the information there.

Women should be getting 25 grams of fiber per day and men should be getting 30 grams of fiber per day. If you have trouble getting this much fiber through foods, you can look into taking a supplement such as psyllium husk. If you have been neglecting your fiber intake, you may want to ramp up slowly. Increasing fiber too quickly can lead to gas, bloating, and discomfort.

Increase your fiber intake gradually and drink plenty of water as well.

Green Tea

Green tea is a well known weight loss tea. The caffeine content of green tea helps to suppress hunger and prevent food cravings.

If you are drinking green tea for weight loss, you should drink 4-5 cups of green tea per day. You will get the best results from this amount of tea consumption.

I wrote a whole article about how to use green tea and which green tea to use. If you are interested in green tea, give that article a read.


Exercising is a natural appetite suppressant. It's actually one of the strongest appetite suppressants there is. If you are someone who tends to experience hunger all day, especially when dieting, you should consider adding in some exercise. Visit the gym or begin walking down trails. Start practicing a sport, or play with your dog. These are all good ways to add more activity into your day.

Maybe You Aren't Eating Enough

If you are still hungry, it's very possible that you set a calorie goal that is way too low for your body type. We all have different calorie needs depending on weight, height, age, and activity level. You will constantly feel hungry if you are under-eating.

Calculating how many calories you need can be complicated, but I made it easier in a blog post. I show you how to figure out your caloric needs so that you can lose weight in this post.

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