Monday, April 15, 2019

How To Get A High Metabolism

Everyone wants to have a high metabolism, but how do you do it? There are certain tips I can give you to increase your metabolism so that you can have a higher metabolism and lose weight more easily.

Rule Out Medical Conditions

First things first, make sure your low metabolism is not a health-related problem. Maybe you have PCOS that makes weight loss seem impossible, or maybe you have thyroid issues. Maybe you are on a prescription medication that causes weight gain or prevents you from losing weight. Rule out the possibility that this is all medical related.

If it does happen to be a medical issue, you may have to resolve that issue in order to get your weight to come down again. Work with your doctor on a treatment plan if you find that your weight is a result of medical issues. If it's not a medical issue, then try the following tips:

Weight Loss Teas

Weight loss teas can really boost metabolism. There are some great teas that have been scientifically proven to increase your energy expenditure. That means the antioxidants in the tea actually make your body burn more calories throughout the day, thus increasing your metabolism.

One of the best teas that is the most backed by science is green tea. It's a pretty popular ingredient in weight loss supplements because it's proven to work. Click to read my article about which green tea is the best. That article will explain how green tea helps you with weight loss and how to use it.

Some other popular and effective weight loss teas include oolong tea, pu-erh tea, rooibos tea, and hibiscus tea. Now, if you are caffeine sensitive, you will need to choose an herbal tea such as rooibos or hibiscus. The other teas mentioned here contain caffeine, so be aware of that.

You can use any of these teas to lose weight, and you can combine different teas, drinking them at different times of the day. You choose what works for you. What works for everyone is different and don't be afraid to try the different teas out to see how they work for you in particular.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help boost a lowered metabolism. We burn less fat when we are insulin resistance. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies for insulin resistance. It increases your insulin sensitivity, helping you access stored fat to burn it.

I personally know people that have lost weight and all they did was add apple cider vinegar. They didn't change their diet or exercise. But I do suggest making more than one change if you want to see real and lasting results.

If you are going to take apple cider vinegar, you can try this weight loss drink recipe. It helps the ACV taste better so that you can down it more easily. It also contains other weight loss ingredients that you likely already have in your kitchen right now.


If you don't already have an exercise plan, it may be a good time to start. Exercising will give you a high metabolism. You will burn more calories while you are exercising, and even after you exercise. The muscle you build while exercising also helps you burn more calories every single day.

My advice is to start at your current level. Don't expect too much out of yourself. Just build your strength up from where you are at. Start small and build as you can. Make sure you are doing an activity that you enjoy as well. This will help you stick with exercising long term.

Exercising at least 4 days per week will keep your metabolism high and help you shed the fat. It is worth the time you put into it as well. Building muscle will help your body look leaner, trimmer, and more toned.

Eating Whole Foods

Getting enough nutrients in your foods will help your metabolism stay healthy and help you bodily processes to run as they should. Eating a whole foods diet is the best way to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients that you need.

Whole foods are foods that are minimally processed. They often don't come in a package, or if they do have a package there will be few ingredients and those ingredients won't be anything processed.

For example if you buy a can of pecans. They may have an ingredients list that says: pecans, sea salt.

That would be an example of a whole food. If you can't pronounce or understand all the ingredients in a food, it isn't a whole food.

Shopping in the perimeter of the market helps you make sure that you are getting whole foods. This is the outer edges where the fresh produce, dairy, and meat are all located. You can find some whole food products on the shelves as well though, depending on where you look.

Whole foods help with metabolism by making sure our bodies get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need. We all need fiber to keep our digestive system running. We need protein to build muscles, etc.

Fix Slow Digestion

If you have a slow digestive system, this can cause unneeded weight gain. It's important to fix your digestive system so that you can increase your metabolism and have a high metabolism. Taking probiotics and eating fermented foods are a good way of improving your digestive system.

Eating lots of organic fruit and vegetables that are high in fiber will also help keep things running along smoothly in your intestines.

If you feel like you need a little bit of help, a cleansing tea made with senna can help you have more regular bowel movements. These teas are not meant to be taken for longer than 2 weeks at a time. They are just there to give you a boost when you need it. Fixing your gut flora and eating the right foods will give you more of a long term solution to the problem.

I hope these tips are helpful for anyone looking to get a high metabolism.

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