Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Lavender Lemonade And Weight Loss

There is a new trend going around called lavender lemonade, but what are the actual benefits of lavender lemonade and can it help with weight loss? I'm here to answer those questions.

What Is Lavender Lemonade?

Lavender lemonade is just like regular lemonade, except you add lavender flower to it. Lavender flowers are these pretty little light purple flowers, and they give the lemonade a purple coloring as well which makes it look nice. But other than looking nice, what are the benefits to this drink?

Lavender Lemonade Benefits

Some of the reported benefits of lavender lemonade are:
  • Pain relief (especially headaches)
  • Stress relief
  • Immune system booster
  • Improved mood
  • Detox
You can get the benefits of lavender simply by using essential oils and smelling the scent. But lavender lemonade is just too cute to not try, plus you get the extra benefits of the lemon when you drink it.

I wrote an article a while back about how drinking lemonade first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can give you amazing benefits if you do it daily. Adding lavender to your lemonade just increases those benefits further.

Does It Help With Weight Loss?

If taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, I believe lavender lemonade can help with weight loss due to the detoxifying effects. I have written about how toxins can contribute to weight gain.

Also, if you were to give up sugary drinks and soft drinks for lavender lemonade, it would definitely cause weight loss, especially if you used stevia to sweeten it.

Would you be able to lose a ton of weight with this? Probably not, unless you drink a lot of sugary, calorie-filled drinks and then replace all those with lemonade. You would lose weight due to the fact that stevia has no calories, so you would be cutting out a lot of calories that you normally drink.

I did a similar thing where I replaced sugary drinks with plain water and lost 20 lbs from doing that. So the potential is there, but you would have to give up your sodas, sweet teas, alcoholic drinks, and any other beverage that has calories in it. That can be pretty hard at first if you are addicted to those things.

So How Do You Make Lavender Lemonade?

If you want a good recipe for weight loss, using stevia as a sweetener is your best bet. I found a great recipe that utilizes liquid stevia extract here. I prefer to use stevia because it is zero calories and non-addictive, unlike sugar.

If you still want to use sugar, that's fine. Just remember that you may not see as much of the weight loss benefits of this drink.

Other Ways To Get Benefits

As I said earlier, you don't have to drink it to get the benefits of it. You can simply place a couple drops in a warm bath and soak. I like to take epsom salt baths here and there for relaxation and placing lavender essential oil in your bath is very soothing.

You can also get an essential oil diffuser. Diffusers will fill the air of any room with the scent you place in it. So if you place lavender oil in your diffuser, you can enjoy the scent while you work on your computer or watch tv, etc.

Sometimes instead of doing a full bath, I will do a warm foot soak. I place epsom salt into a basin of warm water and add a drop or two of essential oil to it. These oils are so strong that you can get the benefits from just one drop.

You won't be able to lose a ton of weight just from smelling lavender, but it does help you relax more in a warm bath so there are other benefits. If you really want to lose all your weight, check out my top 5 weight loss tips.

So that's all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed learning about lavender lemonade.

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