Thursday, January 31, 2019

How To Maintain Weight Loss: 6 Best Tips

In this post I want to discuss how you can maintain weight loss. Whether you've lost 10 lbs or 200 lbs, there are important things you need to do to make sure those pounds don't start creeping back up on you. If you're not careful, it's easy to start gaining the weight back. You don't have to do everything that's mentioned here. Even choosing to do just 2 things is probably enough.

Weigh Regularly

The first thing I want to tell you to do is weigh yourself regularly. Some people get to their target weight and stop weighing. You could gain 10-15 lbs before you even realize you have, especially if you love leggings and yoga pants as much as I do. So weigh yourself 2-4 times a month during weight maintenance just to be sure you are staying on track.

Continue to Stay Active

The next thing you should do is continue to stay active throughout your weight maintenance time. This is not the time to stop exercising or get lazy. You don't have to push yourself hard, but even a light walk or yoga a few times a week is enough to help you stay active.

Yoga builds lean muscle as well which will boost your resting metabolism. This is very important for keeping the weight off. Choose an activity that you love and just continue doing it. You don't want to choose something that you hate, especially after all the hard work you put in to look so good now.

Intermittent Fasting

Consider intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is where you fast for a certain amount of hours per day (you choose how many) and then have an eating window where you eat all your meals of the day. Many people say they can't do this for whatever reason, but maintaining a 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule is surprisingly a lot easier than you think. Try it out for a week. Just fast (only have water) for 16 hours and then have your 8 hour eating window.

Intermittent fasting is an effortless way to lose weight and keep it off. I know this from personal experience and that's why I mention it and suggest it a lot. No, you don't have to do it, but I think life is better with intermittent fasting.

Boost Your Metabolism

There are certain herbs and teas that can boost your metabolism which would help with weight maintenance. Consider having green tea or oolong tea every day. You may find that you enjoy the taste, and these teas are proven to boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories.

Apple cider vinegar is another weight loss tool to have on your belt. It can really help with maintaining the weight loss, and may even cause you to lose more weight if you aren't careful. Apple cider vinegar boost metabolism, suppresses appetite, and reduces fat storage.


One important thing to remember is detoxing. Our world, our air, and our food is just so toxic that it's important to continue detoxing. I believe detoxing is a major key to prevent yourself from gaining weight. Toxins can cause weight gain, or it can make weight loss extra hard.

Consider using a sauna, doing some yoga, or consuming spirulina and chlorella.

Still gaining weight?

If you have done everything above and you are still gaining weight back, consider the fact that your diet needs to be tweaked a little. Maybe you're eating too much junk food and not enough whole foods. Try limiting sweets to certain days, or try to cut down on unhealthy snack foods. We should all be getting as much healthy whole foods as we can. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in whole foods help us to have a healthy life.

Congratulations on getting the weight off and I hope this post helps you to keep it off for life.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How To Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar

In this post I'm going to teach you all you need to know about how to lose weight with apple cider vinegar. We're going to cover which apple cider vinegar to buy, things you may add to the apple cider vinegar to increase weight loss, when you should drink it for best results, how you should drink it, and so on. So let's dive right in.

How Apple Cider Vinegar Helps You Lose Weight

First, I want to answer the question: How does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? There are many ways apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss:

  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Decreases appetite
  • Decreases fat storage
  • Increases metabolism
ACV is starting to sound like a weight loss pill ad, but no it's just a food item that you can find in the store on the shelf. And it really does do all these amazing things for you. So let's talk more about how to find your apple cider vinegar.

Where to Buy Apple Cider Vinegar

You can buy apple cider vinegar in many places. You can buy online in many places. You can go to the grocery store. There's several brands. The one thing that matters the absolute most here is that your apple cider vinegar says "with the mother" on the bottle. If your apple cider vinegar doesn't say that, don't buy it or use it for weight loss. Get apple cider vinegar with the mother and you will see the best results for weight loss. Many people use Bragg, but you can use other brands as long as they have the mother as well.

How to Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Drink

Some people just take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and down it like it is. I don't recommend this. Please don't do that. It tastes gross, but also it can't be good for your teeth or the sensitive tissue in your throat.

To make an apple cider vinegar weight loss drink, you would usually dilute the apple cider vinegar, and also add a sweetener of sort. So the typical recipe would look like this:
  • Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tablespoons
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • Fill the rest of the glass with water.
That is the most basic recipe you can use. Some optional add-ins are lemon juice (1 tablespoon), cinnamon, or replace honey with stevia if you don't like to consume honey. Try not to use table sugar by any means. Try not to use fake honey either. It's worse than table sugar. We are going for more natural sweeteners here.

When to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

It is best to drink this at least once per day before your biggest meal. Some people drink it twice a day and that's fine as well. Just remember to do it before a meal. So if you want to take it twice a day, drink before breakfast and before dinner. This is a very cleansing drink as well, so it's good to have first thing in the morning before breakfast.

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

Most people skip this step when telling you how to drink the apple cider vinegar, but I think it's important. Please drink apple cider vinegar with a straw. And preferably in a glass, not a plastic cup. But really the straw is important. It can damage tooth enamel. In this recipe we have watered down the apple cider vinegar a lot, so it helps some, but you still should use a straw when drinking it just to be safe.

So these are my tips for how to lose weight with apple cider vinegar. I hope this post was helpful to you and I hope it helps you lose lots of weight.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How To Lose Weight Faster: 3 Proven Tips

Today I want to share with you a few proven tips you can use to lose weight faster. If you are on a weight loss program and want to lose weight faster, you can add these things to your program to watch the weight fall off. Even if you aren't in any program, doing these things by themselves will make you lose a lot of weight. So let's get started.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The first thing I want to suggest is adding a daily apple cider vinegar weight loss drink. I'm going to explain how this works. You make this drink that has just a few ingredients in it. You usually drink it before your biggest meal. Some people take it up to twice a day.

What this drink does is actually increase your metabolism while at the same time preventing you from storing as many carbs. That's why it's important to drink it before your biggest meal. This drink alone has helped people I personally know to drop 10 or 15 lbs without changing anything else about their diet. You need to try it.

Now apple cider vinegar is a fermented food, and it honestly doesn't taste or smell very great. You can add things to it to make it taste better or mask the taste. If you follow the recipe, it won't be so bad and you get used to the taste after some time anyway. The health benefits of apple cider vinegar make it worth it. So go ahead and follow this link and bookmark this recipe so that you can try it.

Green Tea

Adding a few cups of green tea every day will help you lose weight faster. Green tea has scientifically proven again and again that it increases your resting metabolism. That means without diet and without exercise, you can increase the amount of calories your body burns just by drinking this tea.

And it also specifically targets belly fat, which everyone wants to get rid of. So it can help you to achieve a slimmer waist and more hourglass figure. All by just drinking the tea. There is good news if you already exercise, because green tea has a synergistic effect with exercise. That means that the results you get with green tea + exercise is more than the results you get with exercise alone.

It probably sounds too good to be true for some people, but green tea has been heavily studied. It's the antioxidants found in green tea that boost metabolism. In order to get the benefits of green tea, you should drink 3-5 cups per day and don't add any calories/sweetener to the tea unless its no calorie sweetener like stevia.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting isn't very new. It's been around, but the common person may have not heard of it yet or may not really know what it is. I know when I first started intermittent fasting in 2012, no one that I knew really knew what it was. But it's definitely becoming more popular today.

Intermittent fasting is an eating schedule. It doesn't tell you how to eat. It tells you when to eat. Now some people hear about it and they say, "Well I can't do that because of..." and they rattle off some excuse. But intermittent fasting is very versatile. There are many schedules to choose from and you choose the one that fits your lifestyle.

I'll give an example of one of the most popular schedules. It's called 16/8 intermittent fasting and you just don't eat or drink any calories for 16 hours, then you have an eating window of 8 hours. You eat all of your daily calories in that 8 hour window and then repeat. It's basically like skipping breakfast and cutting out late night snacking. But you get to have water the whole time.

You may think that this sounds unhealthy, but that can't be farther from the truth. Intermittent fasting is also heavily studied and there is much research backing the multitude of health benefits, not just weight loss. So give it a try. But not before you read up on it and get more familiar with it and how it works. That way you will understand what you are actually doing and what your body goes through in this time.

So I hope you try these proven way to lose weight faster so that you can speed up your weight loss and get to your goal more quickly.

Monday, January 28, 2019

White Tea Weight Loss: Burn Fat With Tea

Let's talk about white tea weight loss. I want to help you understand how drinking white tea can burn fat and help you lose weight. White tea is super affordable and can be found in many grocery stores. So let's get started.

White tea, black tea, and green tea are all made from the same leaves of the same plant. The difference is the leaves are picked at different times, which causes the different teas to have different properties and antioxidant levels.

Did you know that white tea is actually even better for your immune system than green tea? Green tea gets a lot of buzz online and elsewhere, but there are other teas that are just as amazing and white tea is one of them.

Which White Tea To Use For Weight Loss

When using white tea for weight loss, any white tea will do just fine. Some people prefer the higher quality loose leaf teas. Those can be ordered online or at any specialty store. I personally have used the regular white tea bags and they worked just fine and taste great. But the loose leaf teas are definitely higher quality teas.

How Does White Tea Help With Weight Loss

White tea does a few things that cause you to lose weight. White tea is able to help your body break down fat. It also helps prevent new fat cells from forming (source). That is a major thing help when it comes to weight loss.

White tea boosts the metabolism and causes you to burn extra calories without changing your diet or exercising. Just simply drinking the tea will cause your metabolism to increase and you will burn more fat.

Insulin resistance is a main reason why many are overweight, and white tea fights against insulin resistance. Because of this, you will actually experience your appetite being suppressed if you drink white tea. You may not crave carbs as much either without even noticing it.

How To Use White Tea For Weight Loss

Using white tea for weight loss is simple. Just drink 3 cups of white tea every day after your regular meals. You should stick with this plan for some weeks to determine how the white tea is going to work for you. You may notice a boost of energy, and your pants will definitely start to get more loose as you go.

Other Benefits of White Tea

White tea also fights against cancer and age-related diseases. It is anti-aging and boosts the immune system. White tea is a very healthy beverage that can help you stay in good health.

White tea does contain 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, so be careful with the amount you drink if you have a caffeine sensitivity. Some people have a higher tolerance to caffeine and can get away with having more of it. Just keep this in mind, and don't drink it too close to bedtime.

I recommend not adding any sweeteners to the tea, as this would counteract some of the calories you burn from drinking the tea.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

3 Ways Having a Dog Can Help You Lose Weight

Did you know the simple act of getting a pet dog can help you lose weight? I'm going to show you 3 ways that you can lose weight just by owning a dog.

Serotonin Boost

Studies show that petting and cuddling a dog boost serotonin levels in humans. This boost of serotonin leads to many benefits, one of those is decreased appetite. You see, your brain releases chemicals that can make you feel either more hungry or less hungry.

Serotonin makes you feel less hungry. A serotonin boost would also reduce pain, depression, and anxiety. If you have trouble with emotional eating, owning a dog would also help with that by reducing your sadness. So all in all, you would end up consuming less calories if you owned a pet dog.

Dog Walks

If you own a dog, you should be walking your dog daily. This could result in weight loss. Not many people equate walking with significant weight loss, but I can tell you from experience I personally lost 20 lbs just by adding walking into my daily life.

Anything you do burns calories, and walking is no exception. You can actually burn a substantial amount of calories each week by adding walking to your daily routine. Walking reduces the circumference of your waist, essentially burning off belly fat. You may even meet your soulmate while out on a walk with your dog.

Playing With Your Dog

It's important that dogs get a lot of quality time with their owner. One way is to play with your dog. But did you know that playing catch with your dog also helps you burn more calories each day? Playing catch or Frisbee with your dog not only makes them happy, but it makes you thinner.

Plan to play a game of catch each day for at least 30 minutes. Use a Frisbee, a ball, or a chew/squeak toy.

Adopting Your Dog

If you are going to get a dog to enrich your life, consider adopting a dog that is currently in a shelter. There are many dogs without a home and these dogs need love. You can be their second chance at a happy life. So please visit your local shelter to see what type of dogs they have available for adoption. Know the dog's age, breed, health condition, and their past. If you don't happen to find one you like, try again at another shelter or at a later time.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Why You Can't Intermittent Fast

I began intermittent fasting almost 7 years ago and during this time I've had people make excuses to me about why they can't intermittent fast. Now, by any means I don't go around forcing this lifestyle on other people. But when they ask what I do for weight loss, I would tell them I do intermittent fasting. For some strange reason they feel obligated to immediately tell me why they can't do it, even though I wasn't trying to get them to do it at all. I decided to write about these reasons and why they're crap, and why YOU CAN and should intermittent fast.

I'm Too Busy

She says she's too busy at work and needs food to help her make it through her tough schedule. Honey, the fuel you need is wrapped around your thighs. Not being mean here, but body fat is fuel. You've done loaded yourself up to make it through the winter. You would have no problem.

The reason you feel so hungry while having so much body fat is because you are a sugar burner at the moment. You have to go through a period of adjustment where your body learns how to more easily switch back into burning fat. Your body will feel like crap in the beginning, but over time it will feel much more natural to skip breakfast.


They absolutely can't do without their coffee and sugar/creamer so they absolutely can't intermittent fast. This is crap as well. Have your coffee. Have your creamer. Have it during your eating window though.

You can actually follow an eating window that lets you eat breakfast and lunch, but then you have to be okay with skipping dinner. So what's worse? Having a morning with no coffee or not having dinner with the family. You gotta pick one if you want to do intermittent fasting.

Another idea is to have coffee with a teaspoon of butter or coconut oil and nothing else. It sounds gross. I don't know because I don't even drink coffee, but other people that intermittent fast love it for some reason. You might as well try it before giving up coffee altogether.

Starvation Mode

They say they'll go into starvation mode and won't lose anything but water weight. Um no. Our bodies were literally designed to do this. This is a more natural way of eating than stuffing your face all day. You know what happens when you graze all day like a cow? You end up looking like a cow. Unless of course you spend hours in a gym and eat very little calories. I've seen someone do that too and then look at me sideways for intermittent fasting. But honey you enjoy that 4 hour workout followed by your bread crumbs.

I want to point out that intermittent fasting is most certainly not a starvation diet. We just eat our daily calories in a shorter time frame than you do. If you are losing weight as a woman, you may be eating something like 1400 calories divided into 3 meals and 2 snacks sprinkled throughout the day. Whereas if someone is intermittent fasting, they may eat 1400 calories within a span of 5 hours, depending on what type of IF they are doing. There are many different types of intermittent fasting, but that's another post altogether. Just know that we aren't starving.

Family Won't Do It With Me

Now finally an excuse I understand, because this one is hard. It's hard to see other people eat when you can't eat. It's hard to have them eating lunch or dinner nearby or even cooking it in the same house as you. That stuff is hard. But if you really believe in intermittent fasting, you have to sacrifice somehow. Fasting is about giving up, but you are giving up with a purpose. That purpose is improved health, lower inflammation, weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, etc.

I wish I could tell you a way to make this easier. The truth is, this one probably won't get easier with time. It has to be a thought adjustment made by you. You have to just remember why you are doing what you're doing. Stay motivated. Also, give yourself "cheat days" where you have a larger eating window so that you can enjoy a birthday brunch here and there without having to say no.

Success Story

I want to share with you a personal story about a family member. They gave excuses. They "couldn't do" intermittent fasting. Eventually they came around and have lost 10 lbs so far. I'm not saying intermittent fasting is for everyone. There are some people that may have medical reasons for why they can't do intermittent fasting. But I will say intermittent fasting is for most people and I truly believe that. Why? Because I believe our bodies were made to eat in this cyclical way. In some magic way, intermittent fasting lowers your risk of all major diseases. And eating all day long increases your risk. The choice is up to you.

I will close this post by saying if you are under 18 or have known nutritional deficiencies, you shouldn't intermittent fast. If you have a chronic health condition and are taking medication, talk to your doctor about whether or not you could do intermittent fasting.

Weight Loss Tea For Morning: 4 Fat Burning Teas

In this post I will be discussing weight loss teas for morning time. These are teas that are used for weight loss that are best taken in the morning. They help energize you, speed up your metabolism, and get you going for the day.

Green Tea

The first morning weight loss tea I will discuss is green tea. Green tea has proven time and time again that it can speed up your metabolism. Just 5 cups of green tea every day can help you burn an extra 90 calories per day just by doing nothing. That's not all, with green tea there is the added benefit that most of the fat loss is belly fat. Green tea is good for the morning time because it contains 35 mg of caffeine per cup. In comparison, a cup of coffee is about 95 mg of caffeine. So it does contain significantly less caffeine than coffee, but that just means you are able to drink even more of it to reap the benefits. Other benefits of green tea include:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Reduced cancer risk
  • Anti-aging
  • More Alertness
  • Improves athleticism
  • Boosts immune system
  • Improves dental health
  • Lower diabetes risk
  • Lower heart disease risk
  • Increased longevity
With all those benefits, no wonder green tea is often promoted as a great weight loss tea.

Oolong Tea

The next weight loss tea for morning I want to talk about is oolong tea. After drinking one cup of oolong tea, you can expect a metabolism boost of about 20% for 2 hours. This is a higher metabolism boost than drinking green tea, so you may consider trying this one out. Oolong tea doesn't get as much press as green tea, but it's been used for weight loss in Asian countries for a long time. Oolong tea doesn't just boost the metabolism. It also helps prevent some of the fat you eat from being stored in your body. There are many testimonials of people who used oolong tea without dieting and lost significant amounts of weight.

Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea is naturally fermented, and we all know how good fermented foods and drinks are for weight loss and health. This tea is often consumed after meals in China to stay slim. I decided to include it as a "morning weight loss tea" because of the caffeine content of the tea. So keep in mind that if you drink this tea in the morning, drink it 1 hour after breakfast. This is because pu-erh tea metabolizes the fat you eat so that you don't store it.

White Tea

White tea has a mellow taste. It also contains caffeine, so it's a good tea for the morning. White tea has many of the same benefits as green tea. White tea has been shown to increase metabolism by 4-5%. This is proven in studies! White tea benefits include:
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Anti-aging
  • Lower risk of diabetes
  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Prevents cancer
I will suggest that you do not add honey, sugar, or other sweeteners to any of the above teas. That is because the sugar and calories may offset the weight loss and other benefits. It may take some time to get used to the tea flavors without sweetener, but before long you will prefer the natural flavor.

Try any of these weight loss teas in the morning and you will be sure to see those jeans fitting much better.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Skinny Gal Thermogenic Diet Pill Review

This is a Skinny Gal Thermogenic diet pill review. My friend tried skinny gal thermogenic for 1 month and these are her results.

Skinny Gal Thermogenic is a diet pill that has ingredients that supposedly help you burn fat and curb appetite. It also helps with suppressing appetite and it has a carb blocker as well. The ingredients list includes the following:

Ingredients List:

  • garcinia cambogia fruit
  • african mango seed
  • conjugated linoleic acid
  • white kidney bean
  • caffeine anhydrous
  • raspberry ketones
  • green coffee bean
  • hoodia gordonii
  • 5-HTP
  • turmeric
  • guarana
  • rhodiola
  • cayenne pepper
  • apple cider vinegar
  • L-arginine

The claimed benefits of these pills are:

  • fat burner
  • appetite suppressant
  • carb blocker
  • detox
  • all natural
  • specifically designed for women

First off, she did notice that it helped control her cravings. She felt less hungry over all since day 1. One great aspect is that she did not feel jittery as she has in the past on some other weight loss pills. There is some caffeine in this one, but it didn't seem to be over-powering. She has less bloating than before so I can tell that it helps with blocking carbs. She definitely felt a little more energy. Over the one month of taking Skinny Gal Thermogenic, she lost 8 lbs which averages out to 2 lbs per week. That is a pretty good rate to lose weight at so I believe this product will work for some people who try it.

The white kidney bean blocks your body from absorbing some of the carbs you eat. The apple cider vinegar and garcinia cambogia also help with lowering the amount of carbs your body absorbs. There are also fat burning ingredients such as guarana and green coffee bean. Apple cider vinegar and hoodia gordonii help a lot with appetite suppressant effects.

I hope this diet pill review helps you on your decision if you were considering purchasing Skinny Gal Thermogenic.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Fat Burning Foods: 40 Foods That Burn Fat

Have you ever wanted to know which foods you can eat that would help you lose weight? When we are dieting, we often feel restricted. There are some foods that you can eat more of that would actually benefit your weight loss efforts.You can eat these foods to boost metabolism. Here are the top 40 fat burning foods.

1. Eggs

Eggs help keep blood sugar stable. A breakfast of eggs means that you will most likely eat less throughout the day, according to studies. This is because eggs keep you feeling fuller for longer periods of time. Time after time, studies prove that eggs help with increasing weight loss.

2. Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is a low calorie substitute for squash. Many people say that when you add marinara sauce to spaghetti squash, you can't even tell the difference. There are many vitamins and minerals found in squash that are not found in pasta.

3. Natural peanut butter

Peanut butter is actually a really good snack to have, because it has lots of good protein which will help you stay full. Often we feel hungry again shortly after a snack, but snacking on peanut butter can prevent that hunger from returning for a while.

4. Almonds

Almonds are the healthiest nut to consume. They have so many nutrients. They contain fiber, protein, and good fats to keep you full. A handful of almonds as a snack cuts down on belly fat. You can sprinkle it on a salad, or put unsalted almonds in vanilla yogurt.

5. Flaxseed

Flaxseed has so much good fats and fiber that you will feel fuller for longer. Most people will sprinkle milled flaxseed into oatmeal, yogurt, or a smoothie. It helps regulate blood sugar which is very important when you want to control cravings.

6. Avocado

Avocado is actually a fruit. It contains lots of good fats. The type of fat that is in avocados actually increases metabolism. Eating avocados on sandwiches or salads are a good way to consume this food.

7. Chickpeas

Like many of the foods on this list, chickpeas have lots of fiber and protein to keep you full. But chickpeas also have lots of nutrients and minerals to help keep your body strong. Nutrient rich foods are important when trying to lose weight.

8. Salsa

Salsa is a low calorie food that can be used as a condiment or dip. Swapping out creamy or dairy based dips for salsa will help you will consuming less calories. It also contains more nutrients and vegetables.

9. Leafy greens

Leafy greens are nutrient dense, low calorie food. They are always a good staple for someone who is dieting and trying to lose weight. There are so many vitamins and minerals in greens, not to mention all the good fiber. The plant fiber helps the body in detoxing.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of my favorite healthy foods. Oatmeal has lots of fiber. It "sticks to your ribs" and keeps you full for hours. I wouldn't recommend the oatmeal in the little packets that are full of sugar. I recommend buying plain rolled oats and then adding natural sweeteners. Some of my favorite things to add to plain oats are raw honey, cut up fruit, dried fruit, and stevia.

11. Pumpkin

Pumpkin has lots of potassium, more than a banana in fact. There are many weight loss dessert recipes that include pumpkin. Who doesn't love a good pumpkin recipe in the fall? Adding pumpkin to yogurt tastes really good.

12. Cabbage

Cabbage is very low calorie, but it's also very good for you. It can be made into weight loss soups, used instead of flour tortillas, or even fermented. It's a very popular weight loss food because it adds bulk without adding many calories.

13. Raspberries

Raspberries taste so good, but what's more is that they contain many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function and burn fat. Raspberries can aid in boosting metabolism. Adding raspberries to your breakfast is a great way to start the morning.

14. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a good weight loss food. Grapefruit helps you stay fuller for longer because it's full of water and fiber. Half a grapefruit with breakfast can boost metabolism.

15. Artichokes

Artichokes are a metabolism-boosting food. They contain lots of fiber, more than you will find in other vegetables. Be careful with so much fiber, and slowly increase your fiber intake. Some people can experience cramping or other digestive upsets when increasing fiber too quickly. Fiber is very good for weight loss.

16. Salmon

A great source of protein, salmon is very delicious. Salmon also has good fats. It's one of the healthier meats that you could consume when trying to lose weight. It can be a bit pricey though.

17. Peas

Green peas are packed with almost all your daily nutrient needs, plus plenty of fiber.

18. Yogurt

Yogurt is so good for you. Like many of these foods, it has protein in it. It also has probiotics, which make your gut microbiome more healthy. The health of our gut often dictates the health of the rest of our body, so having foods that contain good bacteria is important for health and weight maintenance. Too much bad bacteria in the gut can actually cause cravings for bad foods.

20. Quinoa

Quinoa is touted as a weight loss food because of all the protein and fiber. Grains get a lot of negative attention, but quinoa is one of the healthier grains to include in your diet. It's a heart healthy staple that can bulk up a meal and help you feel full while eating lesser calorie vegetables.

21. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are a great weight loss snack, because they are so sweet and full of fiber. They can help tame that craving for sweet foods. Cut up apples in oatmeal with a dash of cinnamon is a great snack or meal for anyone trying to lose weight.

22. Tuna

Tuna contains good fats, lots of protein, and minerals. And it tastes so good too. I like the tuna packets that have spices added to it, for enhanced flavor.

23. Pistachios

Pistachios are another good nut to add to your diet. Studies have shown that those that eat pistachios as a snack end up losing weight. This is most likely because it keeps you feeling full and satisfied. If you miss the crunchy salty chips, pistachios also has crunchiness and saltiness.

24. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a good lean meat to help you with your diet. There isn't much fat in chicken. It's mostly lots of protein and minerals that you need to build strong healthy bones and muscles. Plus, chicken tastes good and can be eaten with a variety of vegetables and dishes.

25. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has proven in studies to boost metabolism. The hotter the pepper, the higher it boosts your fat burning ability. The spiciness of the pepper actually makes you less hungry as well.

26. Potatoes

Potatoes contain almost everything you need, and they are delicious and filling. They are a great staple if you are trying to lose weight. There are many ways to prepare potatoes. Some people think of potatoes as taking a lot of prep time, but it can be a quick and convenient food. Pop it in the microwave and you have a baked potato ready to eat.

27. Green tea

Green tea isn't really a food, it's more of a drink, but it has proven time and time again to boost resting metabolism. It especially targets belly fat. This means that green tea will help you a lot with your weight loss efforts. I wouldn't put lots of processed sugar in the tea though. You should try stevia or raw honey, or just get used to drinking the tea plain. Those extra calories are not necessary.

28. Berries

Berries are so healthy. They have so many antioxidants to help you age more slowly and fight off cancer. They can be a sweet addition to your diet. They tend to have less sugar than other fruits, so it's good for weight loss.

29. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have a lot of the same benefits of regular potatoes, but they contain vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are usually preferred by dieters.

30. Beans

Beans are so good for your health. They contain fiber and protein, along with vitamins and minerals. You need to prepare them correctly though. Buy dried beans, soak them overnight for at least 8 hours, then proceed to cook them. Many people do not prepare beans the right way, so they do not see a lot of the health benefits that beans can offer.

31. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is another chinese tea that helps a lot with weight loss. Although green tea is promoted a lot, oolong tea actually boosts metabolism more than green tea according to studies.

32. Bananas

I love bananas. They are a great snack for anyone who is trying to lose weight. They fill you up, they have plenty of fiber, and they taste sweet. Cut up bananas in oatmeal tastes very good.

33. Watermelon

Watermelon is another sweet snack that is great for weight loss. Its a great way to get the water you need in a day. It's so hydrating, much more than a sports drink. Watermelon tastes good and it provides lots of vitamins.

34. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are some of the most cleansing foods you can eat. They aid in deep detoxification. They are part of an alkaline diet, and boost your health and immune system. They have lots of vitamins and water. Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, tangerines, and limes are great for snacking.

35. Coconut oil

Switching out vegetable oil for coconut oil will help you in weight loss. Coconut oil has proven to boost metabolism. It helps with keeping cravings at bay. Coconut oil actually has a very wide array of health benefits.

36. Herbs

For anyone wanting to lose weight, adding herbs to your dishes is a great way to get more flavor without adding fats and sugar. A lot of times the way we tend to add flavor to foods will add unnecessary calories to the food. Herbs lets you add flavor without adding many calories, plus there are many health benefits to herbs.

37. Soup

I'm not talking about canned soup. I'm talking about homemade soup. Anything goes here as long as you don't use a creamy base. For weight loss you would want to use a broth base for the soup. Add whatever vegetables you like, and add a lean meat if you desire that. Soup is warm, filling, and few calories.

38. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be healthy, as long as it has a high percentage of dark chocolate. You need to go to the baker's aisle and only pick out those chocolates that are more than 70% dark. It will taste a little different than your usual milk chocolate bar, but it helps so much in boosting metabolism and is definitely much more healthy for you.

39. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented food that has lots of good gut bacteria. It's a great weight loss tool. I recommend to have it every single day if you are trying to lose weight. It has so many weight loss benefits. There are people that have changed nothing, just added apple cider vinegar to their daily life, and dropped tremendous amounts of weight. You will want to add it to water with lemon and honey if you want to make it taste a little better.

40. Lemon water

Lemon water is great for anyone who is trying to cleanse and lose weight. Lemon is a great detox fruit, and water helps you feel full. Have water with lemon first thing in the morning to help cleanse your system and boost metabolism.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Parasite Cleanse To Lose Weight

Most of us don't want to think about parasites and worms living and growing inside of us, but this is a natural part of life. Most people live in harmony with their parasites and experience no ill symptoms. But for some, parasites cause a lot of bad symptoms and interrupt life. They also may halt your weight loss abilities. In this article I want to talk about how to parasite cleanse to lose weight.

There are many ways to get rid of parasites. When a person has a problem with parasites, they tend to do more than one of these methods. They also tend to have to continue cleansing periodically for months in order to truly get the infestation down and get their immune system up to rid themselves of the problem for good.

Some symptoms of parasites:

  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Stomach bloating
  • Skin rashes
  • Food sensitivities
  • Intense cravings for carbs

If you have had dogs or cats as pets, you can almost be sure you have parasites. And if you have most of the symptoms listed above, it is very likely that a parasite cleanse will do you some good in eliminating them. I experience intense food cravings. These critters latch onto the walls of your intestines and send signals to your brain, literally controlling how you feel sometimes, just to get you to feed them sugar and carbs. Ugh!

Herbal Parasite Cleanse

There are some herbs that people take for parasite cleansing. I tried a pre-made herbal formula for parasites. I actually didn't notice much of anything. I observed the toilet and didn't see what I expected to see. Big fat gross creatures is what I expected. I'm not saying don't try to herbal cleanses, as they do work for some. I will say that that specific brand of herbal cleanse didn't really help me.

If you do want to try to use an herbal cleanse, by all means go for it. Especially if you see others having success with it. The main herbs people use to kill parasites are sweet wormwood, clove, and black walnut hull. Just be sure to read the instructions very carefully and follow them, as these herbs are often used with an on/off rotation.

Foods That Kill Parasites

You can also choose to fill your diet with foods that parasites hate. Parasites are only there because you are providing them with the perfect environment. If the environment were to suddenly change and be unfavorable to them, they would have to leave. So fill your diet with foods such as:
  • Garlic
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Onions
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Coconut
  • Carrots
Consider flooding your diet with these foods. You could actually go on a week long cleanse where your only consume foods known to expel parasites.

Dried Coconut Parasite Cleanse

One remedy that was studied and said to get rid of up to 90% of intestinal parasites was the dried coconut parasite flush. Dried coconut is extremely good at getting rid of parasites. I love the taste of dried coconut as well. Many people use coconut oil and dried coconut to rid themselves of these critters.

One really easy way to eat dried coconut is to add it to yogurt or oatmeal. If you really can't stand the texture, then you can blend dried coconut to make coconut flour. Then use coconut flour to bake yourself a variety of baked goods. There are a lot of recipes using coconut flour instead of wheat flour.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Intermittent Fasting 2 Weeks Results

Okay it's time for my intermittent fasting 2 weeks results post.

This week my goal was to at least fast for longer than last week. So the goal to beat was 18.5 hours average fast per day and I did accomplish that goal. My average fasting window this week was 18.75 hours, close to 19 hours but not quite there. At least I was able to stick to that and I am definitely glad I did. I didn't really measure my eating window, but I mostly had about 2 meals and a snack.

Last week, my first week of intermittent fasting, I lost 4.4 lbs. This week I lost 0. I was definitely confused. I put in a total of 151 hours fasting this week. I didn't gain anything though, which I'm glad about. I guess I need to switch things up in order to lose more weight.

Going forward, my goal for this week is to do some deep cleansing and detoxing. I want to get the junk out of my body. I guess a few days on a cleansing diet is what I will probably do. I'm not sure what that will look like for me yet, but I will have another update next week.

I tend to get a lot of cravings and I know it is due to overgrown parasites in my gut. Almost everyone has them, but most people's immune systems keep them in check so they don't need to worry too much. But for some of us, our immune systems were compromised by poor diet, trauma, or illness which gave them a foothold to become a major problem. Then they start creating negative symptoms that impact our life. I am one of those people, so I need to do some cleansing work to help give my body more of the upper hand. Then once my body is stronger, I will be able to do so much more.

Monday, January 7, 2019

7 Day Weight Loss Tea

It's January and everyone is starting weight loss programs this month. Detoxing to kick off a weight loss program is so great, because it can help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. That will keep you motivated when you go onto your regular weight loss program. It will also boost the effectiveness of your program.

So with that said, I want to share with you a 7 day weight loss tea that you can use as a cleanse and detox for your body. This tea is called Teami Colon.

The benefits of this tea include:

  • Detoxing
  • Less bloating
  • Boost immune system
  • More energy

All of these will help you in your weight loss goals. I chose to talk about this tea in particular because it does have such high ratings and reviews. With 439 reviews it has a 4 star rating. Many people are seeing success with this detox tea.

This weight loss tea is:
  • All natural
  • Gluten free
  • GMO free
  • Vegan

Let's talk about the ingredients and why this tea works. The ingredients include:
  • Senna leaf and root
  • Hawthorn berry extract
  • Lotus leaf
  • Lime leaf and extract
  • Psyllium husk seed
  • Phaseolus calcaratus seed
  • Rhubarb root
  • Poria cocos stem bark
  • Valerian root
Senna leaf and root cleanse the colon and basically clean you out a.k.a. make you go to the bathroom. This helps so much with weight loss because many people have slow digestion which causes weight gain and toxin accumulation. It is important to have good digestion for weight loss. Psyllium is a type of fiber that also cleans out the colon and carries out toxins with it. Valerian root reduces stress and helps calm you down. Many use valerian to help with sleep. These are natural herbal ingredients.

If you are looking in particular for a bedtime weight loss tea, this would be the one to use because some of the other detox teas on the market actually contain caffeine and other ingredients that wake you up. This tea uses calming herbs which are good for nighttime and sleep. So that is something to keep in mind when choosing a detox tea.

A 7 day weight loss tea would ideally be used to detox and kick off a new weight loss program. This will help you lose more weight and improve your body. It will get your body ready to shed even more weight as you go into your new weight loss program.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Homemade Weight Loss Drink

Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash

I want to share with you a recipe for a homemade weight loss drink that boosts metabolism and burns fat. I know you've probably heard this before, but trust me this drink really works. I personally know someone who dropped 10 lbs in one month from drinking this everyday. And the ingredients may already be sitting in your kitchen right now! So you don't have to go out and buy anything. But even if you do, this drink is very cheap to make and any grocery store will have the ingredients. So let's begin.

For this weight loss drink, you will need the following ingredients: lemon juice, water, raw honey, apple cider vinegar (with the mother). There is an optional dash of cinnamon, but it's not necessary. It just adds to the benefits of this drink even more. So let's talk about the ingredients and why they work.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is very alkalizing for the body. It aids in detoxification and helps boost digestion. It helps hydrate the body. The antioxidants found in lemons reduce weight gain by lowering insulin resistance.

Raw honey

Raw honey has many benefits, such as boosting immune system and anti-inflammatory benefits. Raw honey helps to mobilize fat so that your body can burn it to use for energy. But make sure you are using the right type of honey. Other types of honey are usually just high fructose corn syrup. Check the label and read the ingredients to make sure the only ingredient is raw honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar really is the star of the show here. It helps you lose weight, among other health benefits. Apple cider vinegar has a boatload of health benefits including:
  • weight loss
  • lowered blood pressure
  • reducing bad cholesterol
  • fighting insulin resistance
  • good source of probiotics
  • aids in food digestion
  • kills bad bacteria
  • boosts immune system
  • appetite suppressant

How does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight? Well, it is a natural appetite suppressant. When taken before a meal, it has been shown to help people eat less calories on average. This results in weight loss. It has been proven in studies to specifically reduce belly fat.

You can buy any brand of apple cider vinegar. You just need to make sure that the bottle says "with the mother" on it. You do not want the strained apple cider vinegar, as all the main benefits are found in the mother. So read the label and make sure you see that on the bottle before purchasing.

A pinch of cinnamon is and optional ingredient to give it more taste, but cinnamon also has weight loss benefits. Cinnamon helps reduce insulin resistance as well, so it can help keep you from having cravings.

To make this drink, you need:
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (with the mother)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1 pinch cinnamon (optional)
  • fill the rest of the glass with water
You should drink this drink in the morning, and right before dinner. Some people opt to drink it before every main meal of the day, but twice a day is sufficient to see results.

I hope this article was helpful to you in letting you know that you can make a health-giving weight loss drink with ingredients right in your kitchen, and it doesn't cost much. I hope you try this homemade weight loss drink and see for yourself how much weight you can lose.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Intermittent Fasting One Week Results

I've been intermittent fasting for one week and I wanted to make a post summarizing my intermittent fasting one week results.

First, a brief definition of intermittent fasting for those who don't know. Intermittent fasting is a diet where you restrict your eating to certain times of the day. These times can vary depending on the individual and their goals.

I started out this week with a goal of having a 20 hour fasting window every day. Well, let's just say that didn't happen. My average fast this week was 18.5 hours. One fast was 19 hours and the rest were around 18 and 18.5.

My eating window was usually around 5 or 6 hours, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I just made sure that I stopped eating early enough that it wouldn't give me a problem the next day. I like to start off the day already fasting more than 12 hours. A typical day this week: I would start eating around early afternoon 1 to 2 p.m. and stop eating during the early evening around 6 p.m.

Okay, for the big reveal. How much weight did I lose one week intermittent fasting? I lost a total of exactly 4.4 lbs. That's pretty good for the first week. I believe some of that was water weight from the holidays, but some was definitely fat because intermittent fasting forces our bodies to dip into our fat reserves. I'm very pleased that I lost 4.4 lbs though and will continue with this.

I will not be posting weight loss photos yet. I want to give it at least a month or so before I start doing that because I want the weight loss to be dramatic enough in the photos to make it worth it to post, if that makes sense. But I will be posting those eventually. For now I'm just giving summaries of how much weight I lost each week.

For this next week, my only goal is to try to increase my fasting time. I'm not too happy with 18 hours. It's okay for beginners, but I consider myself a seasoned intermittent faster, as I have a history with it. So 18 is a little bit whimpy for me, and also I'm interested in the added benefits that a person gets with longer fasting times. That is truly why I decided to make a lifestyle out of this.